Friday, June 21, 2024                                                          WEBSITE | SHARE ON:  
Foxx Report

The number one role of Congress is to provide for the defense of the nation. House Republicans continue to advance legislation to do just that. We have just passed H.R. 8070, the Servicemembers Quality of Life Improvement and National Defense Authorization Act for FY25, which delivers a series of monumental wins for America’s military, servicemembers, and the nation’s overall defense. But that’s not all that this legislation does. In addition to the above, H.R. 8070 contains much-needed oversight measures to slash waste, fraud, and abuse that will save hardworking taxpayers tens of billions of dollars. Let’s discuss some of the key components for a moment.

One of the biggest pieces of this legislation involves boosting compensation for junior enlisted servicemembers – a commonsense and positive measure. These servicemembers would receive a 19.5% pay raise. Allowances for housing and food would be expanded, and the cost of living would be adjusted as well. When considering the surge of inflation that has not slowed down over the past three years, this measure makes sense for those on the front lines who are defending our freedom.

H.R. 8070 works also to enhance America’s national security posture by working to secure the southern border. The deployment of National Guard troops at the southwest border would be fully funded. Counternarcotic activities conducted by the Department of Defense (DoD) would be funded as well. Efforts to counter China’s aggression are also embedded within this legislation. There is increased funding for U.S. defense initiatives in the Indo-Pacific and espionage from China in the military, supply chain, and research institutions will also be confronted.

We are also supporting Israel. This legislation expands U.S.-Israel military exercises and fully funds cooperative missile defense programs. What’s more, it increases funding of emerging technology that Israel can use to defend itself and its people. I was immensely proud to cast my vote in favor of this much-needed legislation to improve the quality of life for our nation’s servicemembers and to continue my longstanding support for providing for the defense of the nation.  

Demanding Answers

Recently, I led a letter to Minnesota Commissioner of Education Willie Jett requesting details on the Department’s role in the “largest COVID-19 fraud scheme in the nation.” Here’s a short excerpt:

“On April 24, 2024, the first trial began for seven defendants associated with the Minnesota-based nonprofit Feeding Our Future (FOF) for their part in defrauding the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Federal Child Nutrition Program (FCNP) of over $250 million in taxpayer money. As of today, the U.S. Attorney has charged 70 individuals with federal crimes for benefiting personally from an illegal scheme that diverted $250 million of FCNP funds away from feeding hungry children.”

Our letter comes after the U.S. Attorney charged 70 individuals associated with Feeding Our Future for its alleged role in defrauding the United States Department of Agriculture of over $250 million in taxpayer funds—money intended to feed hungry children.

To read the full letter, click here.

New Scam Alert

Elder fraud has always been an issue that countless Americans are affected by every year. Last year, according to the FBI, there was a 14% spike in complaints related to elder fraud. As you can tell, this is an issue that continues to grow. Recently, a new hotline has been established in North Carolina that can help combat this kind of fraud – as well as others – that pose threats to your hard-earned money and personal information.

To learn more about this new resource, click here.

Quote of The Week

"America without her Soldiers would be like God without His angels."

-Claudia Pemberton

Have a blessed weekend,

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