Gone are the days of the government-knows-best mentality that Americans and their families suffered under the Biden administration. For four straight years, the Biden administration worked to deny freedom of consumer choice in all aspects of our lives – we know this to be true. What’s more, great American companies found themselves twisted in regulatory knots because of misguided mandate after misguided mandate being hurled directly at them. The onslaught was never-ending.
But it’s a new day, and Republicans maintain majorities of the House of Representatives and the United States Senate – President Trump is back in the White House as well. We are determined to give consumers choice again and allow the business community to flourish and create unbridled value without the threat of government encroachment. House Republicans passed several Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolutions that will overturn disastrous regulations that were issued at the last minute before President Biden left office:
- H.J. Res. 25, to overturn a rule from the Internal Revenue Service that targets decentralized finance brokers and threatens the viability of the digital asset ecosystem.
- H.J. Res. 42, to overturn a rule from the Department of Energy that pushes arbitrary product mandates that drive up costs for consumers.
- H.J. Res. 61, to overturn a rule from the Environmental Protection Agency that creates dubious emission standards on the manufacturing of rubber tires.
- S.J. Res. 11, to overturn a rule from the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management that targets American energy producers with a barrage of regulations that will drive up costs for every American and their families.
I was proud to vote in favor of each of these CRAs when they came to the House floor for a full vote. In the coming weeks, I look forward to sharing more with you about the work we’re doing to steer the country in the right direction, and undo the damage caused by the previous administration.
Vietnam Veterans Pinning Ceremony
In partnership with the United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration, I’m inviting all Vietnam-era veterans residing in North Carolina's 5th Congressional District to be honored in a Vietnam War Commemoration Pinning Ceremony and receive a Vietnam Veteran Lapel Pin. The ceremony will be held at 12:30PM on April 4th at the Rockingham County Cooperative Extension building. For those who are interested in participating and being recognized in the pinning ceremony, please RSVP by March 31st via the form found online at: https://foxx.house.gov/vwc50/.
Please reach out to the Boone district office at (828) 265-0240 or send an email to foxxvwc50@mail.house.gov with any additional questions.
New Scam Alert
North Carolinians across the state are being targeted by scammers in a new wave of fraudulent text messages. These texts claim that the recipient has an outstanding toll through NC Quick Pass that needs to be paid immediately, or “legal action” will be pursued. Fraudulent emails from these scammers containing the exact same message are also being sent. I received three of these scam texts recently, and I knew it was important to warn you about it. To learn more about this scam, click here.
Quote of The Week
“Diligence is the mother of good fortune.”
-Benjamin Disraeli
Have a blessed weekend,