Friday, May 31, 2024                                                          WEBSITE | SHARE ON:  
Foxx Report

The raging inferno that is President Biden’s inflation catastrophe has made Americans grip their wallets until their knuckles turn white. Yes, it has become an all too familiar feeling for so many. As summertime approaches on the horizon, more hardworking men and women across the nation are finding that prices for even the most basic of commodities are still incredibly high. Today, I’m going to share some specific facts on where things stand with inflation with the purpose of painting a very large, vivid picture for you – as I always do.

When you think about summertime, what comes to mind? Perhaps it’s backyard barbecues where friends and family gather, maybe traveling to a local business with your kids or grandkids for a scoop or two of ice cream, or even opening a cold soda after spending part of the day taking care of yard work or different projects around the house. Each of these examples carries a similar trait: the effect of inflation. To take things a step further, consider the following numbers as they relate to how high prices have continued to climb:

  • The price of condiments is UP 32%.
  • The price of steaks is UP 26%.
  • The price of sodas is UP 26%.
  • The price of hot dogs is UP 19%.
  • The price of ice cream is UP 19%.

It may not shock you to know that Americans are now spending over $12,800 more on an annual basis to buy the most basic of items – like what I have mentioned above – compared to just three years ago. Looking closer, Americans are spending over $1,000 more per month than they were three years ago. The massive, reckless spending binges from Democrats are at the heart of this inflation catastrophe – I opposed them every step of the way and I won’t hesitate to do so in the future. Upholding fiscal responsibility is the key to nipping inflation in the bud once and for all, and I’ll continue fighting to ensure that happens.

My Latest Interview

On Tuesday, I joined Liz MacDonald on the Evening Edit to talk about the Biden administration’s student loan bailout scheme that has been ironically dubbed as the “Savings on a Valuable Education” (SAVE) program. The administration knows its actions are illegal, but it is moving forward anyway in an effort to buy votes and leave taxpayers on the hook for as many loans as possible. In short, the SAVE program is nothing more than an attempt to push the administration’s radical “free” college agenda through the backdoor. Pinning the tab on hardworking taxpayers, while absolving millions of borrowers of their loans, is not only outrageous, but it is also disgraceful.

To watch the full interview, click here.

My Newest Op-Ed

Over 150 million Americans prefer the comprehensive and cost-effective health care coverage they get from their employers. Yet, there are ongoing efforts to dismantle access and affordability of employer-sponsored plans in order to increase Obamacare enrollment numbers. In my newest op-ed to the Washington Times, I highlight the benefits and flexibility of employer-sponsored health care coverage and rebuke the efforts of Washington Democrats to force more Americans into the failing Obamacare marketplace. Republicans are working to expand access and preserve Americans’ right to choose the coverage plan that best suits their specific needs.

To read my op-ed, click here.

Quote of The Week

“Inflation destroys savings, impedes planning, and discourages investment. That means less productivity and a lower standard of living.”

-Kevin Brady

Have a blessed weekend,

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