Friday, June 7, 2024                                                          WEBSITE | SHARE ON:  
Foxx Report

President Biden’s issuing of an Executive Order relating to the southern border this week is too little, too late – it is only window dressing. Do you agree? Americans are not easily fooled by what the president is doing – they are incredibly smart and discerning. In short, this Executive Order is proof positive that the president owns this border catastrophe, and he’s had the authority to secure the border the entire time.

To illustrate how hollow this Executive Order really is, take just a moment and read the excerpt below from the New York Post:

“The Biden administration announced an executive order Tuesday that it claims would shut down the US-Mexico border once illegal crossings hit 2,500 per day between points of entry for seven consecutive days — a “crackdown” that will still permit a minimum of 1.8 million new arrivals into America every year even if enforced properly.”

What did you notice in the excerpt? Did anything stand out to you the most? The “1.8 million new arrivals” stuck out to me like a sore thumb. In fact, that is 4.5 times the number of illegal aliens that were encountered at our nation’s southern border in fiscal year 2020. Clearly, this is not a “crackdown” as the administration wants people to believe.

As I have shared with you previously, there have been more than 60 instances in which the administration has undermined America’s border security. Here are just a few examples:

  • Halting construction of the border wall.
  • Terminating the successful Remain in Mexico program.
  • Nixing the expulsions of illegal aliens under Title 42.

I’ve said this many times before, and I will say it again: we should return to President Trump’s border policies immediately to solve this border catastrophe. It’s just that simple. Rest assured that I will continue to call attention to this issue and stand firm against every attempt to weaken America’s border security. At the end of the day, border security will always be national security.

Confronting The ICC

On Tuesday, the House passed H.R. 8282, the Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act, which I was proud to support. This legislation imposes sanctions on the International Criminal Court (ICC) In May, the ICC filed applications for arrest warrants targeting Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant – all the while ignoring the ongoing threats posed to Israel by both Hamas and Iran. If these arrest warrants were to be executed, they would set a dangerous precedent and lead to serious consequences.

ICYMI: My Newest Bill

Recently, I introduced H.R. 8573, the Union Members Right to Know Act, legislation that requires labor unions to inform union members of their free speech rights and the right not to pay dues or fees to the union based on religious beliefs and practices for nonrepresentational activity. Too many union members are unaware of the rights afforded to them under the law. Unions deliberately fail to inform their members of their rights in a callous attempt to exert power and control. This bill will bring transparency and accountability, and it will foil unions’ attempts to trample on the rights of members. Union members deserve to be empowered with information to make informed decisions.

To read the text of this legislation, click here.

Quote of The Week

“A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation.”

-Ronald Reagan

Have a blessed weekend,

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