Friday, July 8, 2022                                                          WEBSITE | SHARE ON:  
Foxx Report

You always deserve the unvarnished facts, and I’m here to make sure you receive them. Over time, President Biden’s talking points on his own energy catastrophe have gone from absurd to downright preposterous. In previous newsletters, I have taken the time to break them down and expose the deception – just like I will right now. Enough is enough.

Over the weekend, President Biden sent out the following message on his social media pages:

“My message to the companies running gas stations and setting prices at the pump is simple: this is a time of war and global peril. Bring down the price you are charging at the pump to reflect the cost you’re paying for the product. And do it now.”

According to the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS), more than 60% of the retail gas stations in the United States are run by an individual or family that owns a single store. The people who run these branded stations are independent retailers – they are licensed to represent a particular brand. This is a fact that the President conveniently glossed over, and he has wrongfully pinned the blame on mom-and-pop stores for simply operating. If this is the new standard that’s being set, President Biden will soon blame the American people for rising prices at the pump.

In response to the President’s misleading claim, the US Oil & Gas Association offered a nugget of advice, “…please make sure the White House intern who posted this tweet registers for Econ 101 for the fall semester.” Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos replied as well, “Inflation is far too important a problem for the White House to keep making statements like this. It’s either straight ahead misdirection or a deep misunderstanding of basic market dynamics.” I would argue that both of those assessments are right on target.

The abounding distractions and misdirection coming from President Biden and his administration must be confronted, and I will continue to expose the facts so that you know the truth. I will never let the facts take a back seat to their manufactured and misleading narratives.

Taking The Left To Task

Last week, I shared my thoughts on the Supreme Court’s ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization – a monumental win for life. While we continue to celebrate this undeniable victory for the unborn, I firmly believe that you need to know how the left continues to spin the barbaric practice of murdering an unborn baby – more specifically, the language that they are using as justification. As pro-life Americans, we must correct the record on the linguistic gymnastics of the left. In my latest op-ed in The Washington Stand, I pick apart the euphemisms and manufactured narrative that’s being used to mislead and distract the American people. I highly encourage you to read this.

ICYMI: President Biden’s Loan Forgiveness Scam

Policymakers and millions of Americans are rightfully worried about the headlines that President Joe Biden is seriously considering mass student loan forgiveness for 44 million borrowers. The ramifications of such a policy for taxpayers, students, and our society cannot be overstated. Blanket student loan forgiveness will lead to more inflation-filled deficit spending and the removal of any incentive for schools and students to practice financial responsibility. Yet, while members of Congress and talking heads are distracted by what Biden might do on student loans, they’re missing the widespread debt cancellation happening right before their eyes — and that’s exactly what the president wants.

To learn more about President Biden’s ongoing loan forgiveness scam, click here.

Quote of The Week

“Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth.”

-George Washington

Have a blessed weekend,


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