Q: How do I contact Congresswoman Foxx?
A: Congressional Office Locations:
Washington Office
2262 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2071
Fax: (202) 225-2995
Mayodan District Office
208 W. Main St
Mayodan, NC 27027
Phone: (336) 778-0211
Fax: (336) 778-2290
Hours: Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm
Boone District Office
400 Shadowline Dr, Suite 205
Boone, NC 28607
Phone: (828) 265-0240
Fax: (336) 778-2290
Email: Use the
email webform.
Q: How long is postal mail delayed?
A: Postal mail security procedures add 1-2 weeks to the amount of time it takes for your letter to reach our Washington office. Please be advised of the time delay and screening process. The radiation screening can destroy video and audio tapes, CDs and other sensitive or plastic items. Screening may also cause damage to bound information packets. Please do not mail checks for flags to the Washington office – send to the Mayodan office.
Q: How do I sign up for the Foxx Report e-newsletter?
A: If you live in the 5th District,
click here to sign up for the Foxx Report or update your contact information and issue preferences. If you live outside the 5th District, you can still sign up to receive the Foxx Report by visiting the
homepage of this website where you will find a link to sign up for the e-newsletter mid-way down the right column.
Q: Where can I find press or social media related materials on Congresswoman Foxx?
Foxx Reports
Press Releases
News Articles
Opinion Editorials
Photos (Flickr)
Videos (YouTube)
Congresswoman Foxx's Work in Congress (back to top)
Q: How can I find out how Congresswoman Foxx voted on a particular bill?
A: You may view all Roll Call Votes online at the Clerk’s website.
Q: What bills has Congresswoman Foxx introduced?
A: You will find a list of the bills that Congresswoman Foxx has introduced in the Policy + Issues section.
Q: Where can I find information on what bills have been introduced in Congress?
A: To search for a particular bill, read a bill's text or check a bill’s status – use the online service provided by the Library of Congress at Here you can access all bills and every Congressional Record.
Q: What is Congresswoman Foxx’s position on a particular issue?
A: Please visit our Policy + Issues section to read about issues which are important to you.
Q: What are Congresswoman Foxx’s committee assignments?
A: Please view our Committee Assignments section to learn about the committee(s) on which Congresswoman Foxx currently serves.
Constituent Services (back to top)
Q: How can I intern for Congresswoman Foxx?
A: Information and application for all internship opportunities both in the Washington, D.C., Mayodan, N.C., and Boone, N.C. offices can be found online here.
Q: How can I apply to be a Congressional Page?
A: The Congressional Page Program was discontinued in 2011. Contact your senator’s office for more information on applying to be a Senate Page.
Q: I am a high school student and would like to attend a military service academy. How can I be nominated?
A: Please click here to learn more about applying to the nation's five military service academies.
Q: How can I request a tour of the U.S. Capitol, White House or House Gallery?
A: To request a tour through the Washington, D.C. office, please fill out the online tour request form or speak to the tour coordinator at (202) 225-2071.
Q: How can I request a flag to be flown over the U.S. Capitol?
A: To request a flag to be flown over the U.S. Capitol, please fill out the online flag request form or speak to the flag coordinator at (202) 225-2071.
Q: Can your office help me obtain a passport?
A: Yes, congressional offices are able to assist constituents who need to apply for and receive a passport quickly. My staff is available to answer any questions you may have concerning the passport application process. For additional information, please see the Passports section of my website or reference
Q: Can your office help me with a problem that involves a state agency?
A: Issues involving state agencies should be handled by state officials. For information about your state representative and state senator, you should reference the North Carolina General Assembly's website.
Q: Can your office help me with a legal matter?
A: Members of Congress are limited in their abilities to assist with legal matters. Individuals with such matters are best served by legal representation. The North Carolina Bar Association provides a free lawyer referral service, available by calling 1-800-662-7660.
Q: How Do You Report Suspected Social Security and Disability Fraud Activity?
A: Please visit our Federal Assistance FAQ section to learn more on this topic.
Q: How Do You Report Suspected Tax Fraud Activity?
A: Please visit our Federal Assistance FAQ section to learn more on this topic.
Q: How Do You Report Suspected Medicare Fraud Activity?
A: Please visit our Federal Assistance FAQ section to learn more on this topic.
Q: Where can I access the privacy release form?
A: It is required that you sign a privacy release form for my office to contact a federal agency on your behalf. A printable version of the privacy release form can be found here. If you would like more information on assistance with federal agencies, please visit our Federal Assistance section online.
Q: How do I find out what grant money is available for my organization?
A: Please visit the Grants section of our website to read an overview of the grants process.
Congress & the Legislative Process (back to top)
Q: How does a bill become a law?
A: Click here for an online tutorial sponsored by the Library of Congress on how our laws are made.
Q: Who is a Member of Congress?
A: A Member of Congress is a person serving in the House of Representatives or the Senate. A member of the House of Representatives is referred to as Representative or Congressman or Congresswoman. A member of the Senate is referred to as Senator.
Q: Are there requirements to become a member of the House of Representatives?
A: Requirements for membership in the House of Representatives are provided in Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution:
"No person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the age of twenty five years, and been seven years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that state in which he shall be chosen."
These requirements cannot be changed without a constitutional amendment.
Q: What is the size of the House of Representatives and how is it determined?
A: The current size of 435 Members of the House of Representatives was established by Public Law 62-5 on August 8, 1911, and took effect in 1913.
Article 1, Section 2 of the Constitution provides for both the minimum and maximum sizes for the House of Representatives.
The founders designed the House of Representatives to represent the people rather than the states, which each send two members to the U.S. Senate. Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution provides each state at least one U.S. Representative, while the size of a state’s delegation to the House depends on its total population. Based on the 1787 national population, each House member in the First Federal Congress (1789–1791) represented 30,000 citizens. As U.S. territory expanded and the population grew, the membership of the House of Representatives increased and individual members’ constituencies were enlarged.
View the list of representatives under each apportionment.
Q: How many representatives does each state have in the House?
A: Under the Constitution, each state is entitled to at least one representative, serving a two-year term. Additional seats are apportioned on the basis of the state's population. Congress fixes the size of the House of Representatives, and the procedure of apportioning the number among the states. State legislatures pass laws determining the physical boundaries of congressional districts, within certain constraints established by the Congress and Supreme Court (through its reapportionment and redistricting rulings). Each state is apportioned its number of representatives by means of the Department of Commerce's decennial census. Click here to see the number of representatives from each state. Additional information on current congressional districts may be found at the U.S. Census Bureau's My Congressional District page.
Q: Where are the Representatives' offices located?
A: Member offices are located in the three House office buildings to the south of the Capitol building. They include the Cannon, Longworth and Rayburn House office buildings along Independence Avenue. In addition, committee offices and support services are located in these three buildings as well as the Ford House office building. Leadership offices are located in the House wing of the Capitol building. The Architect of the Capitol provides further information on the location and history of the House office buildings. Representatives also maintain district offices in the states in which they were elected.
Q: How many women are currently serving in Congress?
A: There are currently 84 women serving in the U.S. House of Representatives and 20 in the U.S. Senate. Check out the Congressional Women's Biographies to learn about all women who have served in Congress throughout history.
Q: What is the role of the Speaker of the House?
A: The Speaker acts as leader of the House and combines several roles: the institutional role of presiding officer and administrative head of the House, the partisan role of leader of the majority party in the House and the representative role of an elected member of the House. By statute, the Speaker is also second in line, behind the Vice President, in the presidential line of succession.
View the list of Speakers of the House, 1789 to present.
Q: What is a standing committee?
A: Standing committees are permanent panels identified in Chamber rules, which also list the jurisdiction of each committee. Because they have legislative jurisdiction, standing committees consider bills and issues and recommend measures for consideration by the House. They also have oversight responsibilities to monitor agencies, programs and activities within their jurisdictions, and in some cases in areas that cut across committee jurisdictions. Most standing committees recommend authorized levels of funds for government operations and for new and existing programs within their jurisdiction, but a few have other functions.
Q: What are subcommittees?
A: Most committees form subcommittees with legislative jurisdiction to consider and report bills in particular issues within the purview of the full committee. Committees may assign their subcommittees such specific tasks as the initial consideration of measures and oversight of laws and programs in their areas. Subcommittees are responsible to and work with guidelines established by their parent committees. Consequently, their number, independence and autonomy vary among committees.
Q: How are recorded votes taken in Congress?
A: Most votes are taken by a simple voice method, in which the yeas and nays are called out, respectively. It is the judgment of the chair as to which are greater in number. If a recorded vote is desired, a sufficient second must support it. The Constitution simply provides that "the yeas and nays of the Members of either House on any question shall at the desire of one-fifth of those present, be entered on the Journal." One-fifth of a quorum is deemed to be 44 in the House (one-fifth of 218). Since 1973, the House has used an electronic voting system to reduce the time consumed in voting and permits a minimum of 15 minutes to complete a vote.
Q: What are the powers of Congress as provided in the Constitution?
A: Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution empowers Congress to levy taxes, collect revenue, pay debts and provide for the general welfare; borrow money; regulate interstate and foreign commerce; establish uniform rules of naturalization and bankruptcy; coin money and regulate its value; punish counterfeits; establish a postal system; enact patent and copyright laws; establish Federal courts inferior to the Supreme Court; declare war; provide for Armed Forces; and to have exclusive legislative power over the District of Columbia. Article I, Sections 2 and 3 give Congress the power to impeach and try Federal officers. In Article II, Section 2, the Senate is given the power to consent to ratification of treaties and confirm the nomination of public officials. Congress is also given the power to enact such laws as may be "necessary and proper" to implement its mandate in Article I, and in certain amendments to the Constitution.
Q: Are there any resources for students to learn about the legislative process?
A: Check out the Just for Students section on our website or visit the Clerk's Kids in the House website. Here students are able to learn about the American government, House members and committees, House history and how laws are made.