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Memorial Day Message from Congresswoman Virginia Foxx

Watauga Republican Blog

A Memorial Day message written by Representative Foxx

Memorial Day Message from Congresswoman Virginia Foxx


  Dear Friends,

“Let me not mourn for the men who have died fighting, but rather let me be glad such heroes have lived.” – U.S. Army General George Patton

That excerpt from a prayer written by General Patton speaks directly to the challenge of Memorial Day. It is a day seemingly anchored in loss, losses many military families in our region have experienced personally. But it is also a day of celebration. 

America is home to heroes! In our country men and women choose to serve, knowing full well their sacrifice could be tremendous – and even require their life. But still they volunteer.

They do so because America – her ideals, her people and her way of life – is worth defending. They volunteer because they love this country. 

Among our military the scripture “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends,” has special significance. Our troops do not risk for their own sake, they do so for others – for their comrades, for their families and even for strangers – whom they just know as fellow citizens. 

The final Monday in May is set aside yearly for our nation to commemorate each Airman, Soldier, Sailor, Coastguardsman and Marine who paid freedom’s ultimate price with their lives. 

Whether you pay your respects at Arlington or Salisbury National Cemetery, at wreath laying ceremonies, community parades or private family events, I encourage you to reflect on the fact that we enjoy freedom because our protectors endured sacrifice. And while they lay revered in rest at hallowed sites throughout our country, many of their loved ones are with us still and deserve our thanks this day. 

Liberty is bought and paid for by the incomprehensible generosity of patriots. May we endeavor to live worthy of their legacy and guard, vigilantly, the history and stories of our fallen. 

Thank you and God Bless,
Virginia Foxx
Member of Congress

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