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‘Real ID Act’ would mandate proof of identity for state issued driver’s licenses Today, U.S. Rep. Virginia Foxx (N.C.-5) joined House Judiciary Chairman James Sensenbrenner, (R-Wis.) in sponsoring major legislation seeking to tighten our b


WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Rep. Virginia Foxx (N.C.-5) joined House Judiciary Chairman James Sensenbrenner, (R-Wis.) in sponsoring major legislation seeking to tighten our borders and strengthen immigration reform in the United States.

The “Real I.D. Act” is the first bill Foxx has co-sponsored since being sworn in to Congress earlier this month.

The legislation calls for the establishment of rigorous proof of identity and strong security requirements for all applicants for driver's licenses and state issued identity cards. It will also strengthen asylum reform, close a hole in the border fence and permit all terrorism-related grounds for inadmissibility to be grounds for deportation.

“The implementation of this bill is vital to our homeland security,” said Rep. Foxx. “Currently, anyone in North Carolina and nine other states can receive a driver’s license or I.D. card without proving their legal status. To me, that is just begging for disaster.”

This security crisis was brought closer to home in recent reports by CNN and The Greensboro News & Record highlighting security lapses at the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles. Both reports highlighted multiple instances of state driver’s licenses being issued to “unlawful immigrants.”

The News & Record article released today contained excerpts from a memo issued in August 2003 by the supervisor of the driver’s license section of DMV. “If local law enforcement wants to make an issue of their legal status, that obviously is their right and responsibility depending on the statutes under which they operate,” said Wayne Hurder. “But let me make it clear – for the umpteenth time – North Carolina General Statutes, Chapter 20 does not involve itself with a person’s legal status in determining their eligibility to apply for a license.” DMV officials are distancing themselves from the memo. However, the need for reform remains clear.

Rep. Foxx points out that each of the terrorists who hijacked the airplanes on Sept. 11 was issued valid driver’s licenses or identification cards. “By allowing undocumented aliens to receive valid driver’s licenses, we are compromising our national security. We must not give legitimacy to individuals who are breaking the law,” she said.

Under the terms of the bill, foreign visitors can receive temporary driver’s licenses that expire when the terms of their stays expire.


The bill also includes asylum reform by overturning the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals precedent that barred immigration judges from denying asylum claims. The 9th Circuit Court granted asylum to many aliens whose governments believed they were terrorists because it felt that they were being “persecuted” for their political beliefs.

“Terrorists have been abusing our immigration system for years,” said Rep. Foxx. “Many after claiming asylum, such as Ramzi Yousef who planned the first World Trade Center attack, were released from detention and went on to plot and commit crimes. This is unacceptable.”

Finally, the bill will expedite closure of a three mile hole in the border between the United States and Mexico near San Diego, Calif. It will also enable the United States to deport aliens for terrorism related offenses that were previously considered to be inadmissible, such as knowingly contributing to a terrorist organization disguised as a charitable organization.

The bill was introduced after many of these important provisions were taken out of the 9/11 Commission legislation conference report last month.

“I’m pleased that we’re working to see that these issues are addressed and resolved,” said Rep. Foxx.


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