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blogger protection act

Foxx Protects Bloggers' Rights

Co-sponsors legislation ensuring bloggers' right to political expression


Congresswoman Virginia Foxx (NC-5) has co-sponsored of the Blogger Protection Act of 2008 (H.R. 5699), a bill that safeguards the First Amendment rights of bloggers. The Blogger Protection Act will transform current regulations that protect bloggers' rights into permanent federal law.

Bloggers are a vital part of our national dialogue," Foxx said. "Everyday, countless Americans take part in the political process via the blogosphere–breaking news, checking facts and voicing support or opposition to various candidates. We must ensure their rights are protected."

The Federal Election Commission (FEC) issued regulations two years ago to ensure bloggers free speech rights were not infringed upon by certain campaign finance laws. This ruling protected bloggers from misinterpretations of the law.

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