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REPS. MCHENRY, FOXX GET UP-CLOSE SEATS FOR EVENT Iredell County’s newest representatives in Congress watched the presidential inauguration from center stage.

By Katie Parsley
Statesville Record and Landmark

Iredell County’s newest representatives in Congress watched the presidential inauguration from center stage.

Reps. Virginia Foxx and Patrick McHenry sat in near-freezing temperatures for about an hour and a half while President George Walker Bush was sworn in for a second term. Both said it was an experience to remember.

“It really was a great event,” Foxx said. “It was the most emotional I’ve been since I got elected.

“I feel so humble to be here.”

This was the first inauguration for Foxx, who won the 5th District seat that Richard Burr left when he became senator. She said she was impressed by Bush’s speech, especially his emphasis on the importance of freedom.

“I think it was one of the greatest inauguration speeches ever, because of that theme,” she said.

As Bush discussed his plans for the coming years, McHenry said he realized how different this inauguration was from the one he attended four years ago.

“When he spoke of his second-term agenda, I realized I’m going to be a part of that,” said McHenry, who represents the 10th District. “It’s such an honor.”

McHenry said he might not agree with everything Bush wants to do, but believes the president has the most ambitious second-term agenda since Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Both Foxx and McHenry had little time to rest after the inauguration ceremony.

Foxx watched the parade from a building on Constitution Avenue before preparing for an agriculture gala and a few other events. McHenry had attended five events by midafternoon, and had three more to go.

But neither complained about their busy schedules.

“I’m excited to be here,” McHenry said. “It’s just an honor to be a part of it.”

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