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LOCAL REPUBLICAN PARY HOLDS ANNUAL CONVENTION The Ashe County Republican Party recently held their annual convention at the courthouse in Jefferson on Saturday, March 5th, where a large crowd attended the event.

The Mountain Times

The Ashe County Republican Party recently held their annual convention at the courthouse in Jefferson on Saturday, March 5th, where a large crowd attended the event.

After the precinct meeting at 11 a.m., lunch was served and the convention began at 1 p.m. and was attended by 80 Ashe County members. Congresswoman Virginia Foxx attended the convention and gave an update on her activities in Washington, D.C. as our new 5th District Representative to Congress.

A resolution in support of Congresswoman Virginia Foxx was passed with unanimous support. The resolution reads:

Whereas, We wish to thank Congresswoman Virginia Foxx for the many years of dedicated service representing the people of NC State Senate District 45, and for her strong stand of Pro Life and Family Values issues.

Whereas, We wish to congratulate you on your election as our U.S. Congresswoman for the N.C. Fifth Congressional District, and the dignity with which you conducted your recent campaign.

Whereas, You have taken a strong stand to vote against the Free Trade Agreement Of the Americas, and other similar so called “free trade” agreements.

Whereas, You have stated your strong position to protect our borders and stop the flow of illegal aliens.

Be It Therefore Resolved, That we, the Ashe County Republican Party, pledge to stand behind you and support you as you continue to take a strong stand on behalf of moral and Constitutional issues as they come before the U.S. Congress.

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