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On a solemn white pole, an American flag blew gently in the morning breeze.

foxx with boyscout.JPGBy PHIL GOBLE JR. Managing Editor

WESTFIELD — On a solemn white pole, an American flag blew gently in the morning breeze.

It wasn’t the first time this version of Old Glory had flown above U.S. citizens, but this was its final destination.

From Washington to Westfield, these Stars and Stripes were honored on Thursday as a gift from a Boy Scout to his community.

David Keith has spent many years in the Boy Scouts. The 2005 East Surry graduate wanted to cap those years at the level only 4 percent of Scouts ever reach — Eagle Scout.

He made his way through the ranks — Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star and Life. He attended conferences and camps, earned a sash full of Merit Badges and did all he needed to qualify, except complete an Eagle Scout project.

At a basketball game one night, Keith struck up a conversation with Paul Johnson, chairman of the Surry County Board of Commissioners and part of the Westfield Booster Club. Johnson suggested providing a flag and flag pole for one of the baseball fields outside the old Westfield School gym.

With the help of his parents, Randy and Ginger, Keith started planning.

The Virginia Tech freshman ran two fundraisers and solicited donations. He picked out shrubbery, mapped out the landscaping, studied pouring cement and researched where and how to buy a pole and flag. Keith, his dad and brothers Thomas, 14, and Brian, 11, and Scouts Eric Steinbecker and John White installed the pole and plants just outside the baseball field fence. The whole project cost about $800, according to Randy Keith.

Meanwhile, Johnson had another idea to make the project really special. With a couple of phone calls, Johnson reached 5th District Congresswoman Virginia Foxx who arranged for a flag that had flown over the U.S. Capitol to be sent south to Westfield.

On Thursday morning, Keith, his parents, Johnson, Foxx, Troop 545 leader Donnie Diamont and numerous other Boy Scout leaders were on hand to dedicate the flag and mark the completion of Keith’s Eagle Scout project and, for now, his Boy Scout career.

“I want to commend David for what he has done,” Foxx said at the gathering. “Anytime somebody does anything with the flag, we need to be thankful and remember all it means. We owe so much to the people who started this country and fought for it.”

“It felt a little more patriotic,” Keith said after the ceremony. “It has all this meaning from it having flown over where our government makes so many decisions.”

The flag is “definitely icing on the cake,” his father said.

David Keith has been in Boy Scouts since sixth grade. He was a Cub Scout before that. He hopes one day to be an adult Boy Scout leader. He just wants to give back a little of what has been given to him. That’s why the flag — this flag — meant so much to him.

Old Glory is a gift from this country’s forefathers to each and every citizen.

This Old Glory is a gift from one Boy Scout to his friends and neighbors.

That makes this one so special.


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