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Virginia Foxx (Jefferson Post, Editorial)

The greatest danger to the American republic is not foreign enemies. It is the view that has grown this decade that if two people cannot agree on certain issues, they must be enemies.

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Virginia Foxx

The greatest danger to the American republic is not foreign enemies. It is the view that has grown this decade that if two people cannot agree on certain issues, they must be enemies.

This divisive viewpoint is fueled--we suggest intentionally--by the acid-tongued pundits of radio and television. They have, collectively, reduced their portion of political discourse to “us” versus “them.” Both right and left, Red and Blue, Republican and Democrat alike are guilty. Where will it end? Mud wrestling between Bill O’Reilly and Michael Moore?

Having said this, we wish to continue that while this newspaper has disagreed with some of the votes cast by our member of Congress, Rep. Virginia Foxx, this does not diminish our respect for this remarkable woman.

Virginia Foxx grew up poor and could have ended up just another face in the crowd. But a teacher encouraged her to go to college--and she went on to earn a doctorate. She and her husband, through hard work, developed a very successful nursery business.

When she went to Raleigh as state senator, she quickly gained a reputation as the hardest-working member of that body. In fact, her dedication to what, is after all, intended to be a part-time job, was fairly intimidating to her colleagues--even those of her own party.

She has brought that remarkable work ethic to Washington, where she usually leaves her far-younger aides panting in the dust, trying to keep up with the pace she sets herself. Whether you like her positions or not, we believe everyone should agree that if all members of Congress worked as hard as Foxx, our government would be the better for it.

There are two parts to the role of a member of Congress. The first, and more visible, is voting. The second is providing critical help to constituents in their dealings with the federal government. That can range from getting a passport expedited to resolving a delayed Social Security check or getting veterans’ benefits approved. Foxx has always done well with this constituent service, and is often willing to intervene personally, in spite of her busy schedule.

Let us make this clear that we are not endorsing Foxx for re-election--or endorsing anyone else, for that matter. But we do want, regardless of disagreements on some issues, to recognize the hard work and excellent service provided to this district by Rep. Virginia Foxx.

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