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Foxx Votes to Support Iranian Protestors

Congresswoman Virginia Foxx voted Friday in favor of a congressional resolution that supports Iranian protesters.

Written by Adam Hicks --

Monday, June 22 2009

Congresswoman Virginia Foxx voted Friday in favor of a congressional resolution that supports Iranian protesters.

According to Foxx’ office, the bill also calls for an end to the violence against Iranian citizens peacefully protesting the contested Iranian presidential election results.

In a released statement, Foxx said, “… the world heard the cry of millions of Iranians who seek the right to a free and fair election.  In response, Americans from all walks of life have taken up the cause of liberty for Iranians who crave real freedom and not sham elections.”

The Congresswoman went on to say, “The ongoing crackdown on free expression and the rights of journalists along with the censoring of communication with the outside world has simply shown the true colors of the dark Iranian regime desperately trying to hold its grip on power.  The people of Iran deserve better.  They deserve freedom.  And today the House of Representatives has given voice to their historic plea in the hallowed halls of Congress.”

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