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Foxx On Balanced Budget Amendment

Last week 3WC News spoke with Congresswoman Virginia Foxx from the 5th District here in North Carolina. We asked if work on a balanced budget amendment...


TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 2011 AT 10:43AM

Last week 3WC News spoke with Congresswoman Virginia Foxx from the 5th District here in North Carolina.  We asked if work on a balanced budget amendment was included with last week’s passage of the Budget Control Act that cut spending and raised the debt ceiling.  She said yes and there at least two thoughts on a balance budget:  one with tax increases and one without tax increases.  Foxx says she is for the one without raising taxes.  After an amendment is agreed to in Congress it is sent to the states for ratification and must be approved by 38 states in order to be added as an amendment to the Constitution.  My complete interview with Congresswoman Foxx can be heard as a podcast on our website:

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