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Foxx to hold Facebook Friday today

Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-Forsyth, will be tapping away at her keyboard today, replying to questions and comments posted on her Facebook page.

By: Wesley Young Winston-Salem Journal 


Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-Forsyth, will be tapping away at her keyboard today, replying to questions and comments posted on her Facebook page, a Foxx staffer said.

Calling it Facebook Friday, Foxx will collect postings this morning and begin answering them this afternoon, said Foxx spokesman Aaron Groen.

"It is a new thing we are trying to see if it works," Groen said. "We figured it is one of many outlets. Anyone who has got a Facebook account can participate. They can post comments or questions, tell her if they are having problems having to do with a federal agency, or question a bill before Congress."

The format is not exactly live because Foxx will be making her responses this afternoon, after she and staffers have a chance to see how many posts they are getting. Still, Groen said, it is possible that Foxx can have some "live" exchanges if people are submitting new comments by the time she starts answering.

"We wanted to give a big open window," Groen said, explaining the format. "If there are 300 questions, she can't answer every question."

Foxx's Facebook page is at Groen said all people have to do is post a comment on Foxx's "wall." Foxx, in a statement released by Groen, said that Facebook not only allows people to comment and question, but also to indicate their feelings about her posts and others with the "like" feature.

People already are engaging in issues on the Facebook page, Groen said.

"That happens all the time," he said. "People will get into the debate going back and forth. People will chime in."

Foxx staffers say the only off-limits subject is campaign-related issues — an area that House ethics rules don't allow. Foxx is up for re-election in 2012.

Groen described Foxx as one still "feeling her way" with social media.

"We have set her up with Twitter, and she can send tweets," Groen said.

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