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Keystone XL pipeline deal still waiting for President Obama’s approval

“Mr. Speaker, 5 years–that’s how long the Keystone XL pipeline and the 40,000 jobs it’s expected to create have been waiting for President Obama’s approval. There is no good reason for this delay. Americans need these jobs”, said Rep. Foxx

Keystone XL pipeline deal still waiting for President Obama’s approval 

“Mr. Speaker, 5 years–that’s how long the Keystone XL pipeline and the 40,000 jobs it’s expected to create have been waiting for President Obama’s approval. There is no good reason for this delay. Americans need these jobs”, said Rep. Foxx

On September 19, 2013 Rep. Virginia Foxx of North Carolina asked for and was granted permission to address the United States House of Representatives for one minute regarding President Obama failure to approve the Keystone XL pipeline deal. 

“Mr. Speaker, 5 years–that’s how long the Keystone XL pipeline and the 40,000 jobs it’s expected to create have been waiting for President Obama’s approval. There is no good reason for this delay. Americans need these jobs.”

“Democrats, Republicans, and organized labor groups have coalesced in support of the Keystone XL pipeline because it will spur job creation, help us on our way to energy independence, and increase access to affordable North American oil. Ask any mom responsible for balancing the family checkbook whether affordable energy matters to her. It does”, she said.

“Keystone XL is the most studied pipeline in our Nation’s history. Thousands of pages prove its worth to our economy and national interest and further document its safety. On this fifth anniversary of Keystone’s original application, it’s time for the President to put his excuses aside. It’s time to build”, said Rep. Foxx (source: congressional Record

Congresswoman Foxx is the Vice Chairman of the House Committee on Rules.

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