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Rep. Foxx Supports Veterans, Military Construction Appropriations Bill

April 30, 2014                                                               FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE    


Washington, D.C.
 – Today, Congresswoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) voted in favor of H.R. 4486, the 2015 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Bill.

 “The hardest part about military service shouldn’t be coming home. Those who wear our country’s uniform make tremendous sacrifices, and providing the support needed to ensure they successfully re-integrate into civilian life after hanging up the uniform is a key responsibility of the federal government.

 “In addition to providing funds to improve our bases and critical infrastructure, H.R. 4486 increases resources and provides for additional oversight of the VA claims process. The VA claims backlog is a long-running national scandal that has a daily local impact around the country.  I regularly hear from constituents who are waiting for answers from the VA, and this bill will help them get those answers.”

 HR 4486 passed the House of Representatives by a bipartisan vote of 416 to 1.  The bill increases discretionary funding for veterans programs by $1.5 billion, appropriates $158.2 billion in total spending for veterans. 

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 Congresswoman Virginia Foxx is currently in her fifth term as the Representative of North Carolina’s 5th Congressional District and is the elected Republican Conference Secretary. Dr. Foxx is the chair of the House Education & the Workforce Subcommittee on Higher Education and serves as Vice Chair of the House Rules Committee. 

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