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Jubilee draws large crowds

By Karen Holbrook, Yadkin Ripple

A sunny Saturday helped draw crowds from Jonesville and the surrounding area for the annual Jonesville Jubilee. From local skydivers putting on a show to bouncy houses for the kids, the festival had something to offer for everyone in attendance.

The event, which drew an estimated crowd of hundreds, featured local churches selling food, including port-a-pit chicken, as well as individuals and businesses selling crafts and other items. A silent auction took place in the senior center with all of the proceeds benefiting senior services.

The American flag waved with the breeze as it hung from the ladder of the Arlington Fire and Rescue firetruck. A special thanks was given to recently retiring member of the squad Keith Macy. Macy has served with the fire and rescue for 30 years before deciding to hang up his hat.

Save-A-Mutt Kennel, a no-kill shelter that saves animals that may not otherwise have a chance for life, found success in adopting several of their puppies during the event.

After facing delays due to the excessive wind, skydivers finally made a scheduled jump around 2 p.m. The skydivers, some of whom have more than 6,000 jumps under their belt, completed their third jump of the day after landing near the ball fields at Lila Swaim park. Children and adults alike were mesmerized as they watched the skydivers descend to the ground.

“We’re actually very safe people,” stated one of the skydivers with a sense of irony. “I even hold on to hand railings every time I descend stairs.”

Special appearances were made at the event by Fifth District Rep. Virginia Foxx, and Jonesville Mayor Gene Pardue.

The event was a celebration of Jonesville’s history and heritage and featured a full day of activities and exhibits. The event raised funds to complete a permanent tribute to the more than 3,000 veterans and community service personnel from Jonesville and surrounding communities.

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