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4 questions with Statesville's US Rep. Foxx

By Jim McNally, Statesville Record and Landmark

Statesville, N.C., September 2, 2015
U.S. Rep. Virginia Foxx was in Statesville Tuesday, and she decried the use of the term “August recess” as a misnomer in describing the period of time between sessions of Congress.

“We call it is a district work period,” said Foxx, whose 5th District takes in Statesville and much of northern Iredell County. “Contrary to popular belief we are not on recess. We are out listening to what our constituents have to say so we can bring their concerns back to Washington.”

And what they have to say does not include many kind words for President Obama.

On the Iran Deal

“I am hearing people say they are greatly disappointed with the President,” Foxx said.

They are particularly opposed to what is referred to most often as the "Iran Deal."

Foxx said poll numbers reflect a growing number of people who think Obama gave away the farm.

“I saw most recently that 58 percent of the American people don’t want any part of this agreement,” Foxx said. “But I think it’s an even greater number than that because I have heard from very few people who aren’t opposed to it.”

When asked to tell what the downside of the deal was, Foxx said the whole deal is bad.

“There isn’t an upside to it,” she said, explaining while agreement may slow down Iran’s nuclear ambitions, it puts a lot of cash in the hands of the nation’s leaders to spread around.

“They get $150 billion that they can use to fund terrorism,” she said.

Foxx said the House will make every effort it can to quash the deal, but it still might get through.

On Pope Francis

Foxx said she is somewhat excited to see Pope Francis when he visits Washington, D.C. in three weeks.

Foxx is Catholic but she is also one of the most conservative members of Congress. And therefore her opinions regarding the liberal and outspoken pontiff are guarded.

“I think he’s a very good guy,” she said. “But I also think it’s important he stick to his knitting. Francis is the first Jesuit pope ever, and Jesuits tend to get involved in political affairs.”

On House Speaker John Boehner

Regarding a recent call for him to step down, Foxx defended House Speaker John Boehner though not with a great deal of enthusiasm.

“The Speaker is not perfect,” she said. “None of us is. But he was chosen by the conference last November and, though there were a couple of weak ‘no’ votes, there was no other nomination and that was the time to do it. The Speaker hasn’t done anything that I’m aware of to warrant a resolution calling for him to relinquish his position.”

On 2016

Foxx said she has not made a selection for who she is pulling for in the Donald Trump-led pack of a dozen and a half GOP presidential hopefuls.

“We have an incredible group of candidates out there,” she said. “And anyone of them would do a much better job than the one President Obama is doing. The general mood in the country is so negative against the President that people are just waiting for his term to end.”

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