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Washington Visit with Congresswoman Foxx and the Papal Address

By Carol Markey

I was lucky enough to be chosen by Rep. Foxx to join her for the papal address to Congress. My day began bright and early at 7:45 a.m. at the security check point where I met Rep. Foxx and her scheduler Courtney. We walked up to the Capitol and entered the gallery. I was surprised and pleased that Rep. Foxx accompanied me every step of the way. She took me to my seat in the visitor's gallery before going down to her seat to listen to Pope Francis. 

I had a perfect view in this beautiful and historic place as I watched the room fill with members of Congress, the Supreme Court and President Obama’s Cabinet. I enjoyed just being there. Once Speaker Boehner and Vice President Biden arrived, Pope Francis quickly followed. 

It was a remarkable and magical time to watch him address Congress and the American people. As a Catholic, my heart was filled with love and respect for the leader of my Church on earth. I was in the presence of the Vicar of Christ. His speech was beautifully delivered, his manner gentle but direct. His speech included reference to the impact of climate change on our world, immigration, caring for the poor and the need to live by the Golden Rule- something people of every faith can relate to. I remember two phrases the Holy Father used as he ended his speech: God Bless America and Pray for Me. I will never forget those words.

Following the speech, Rep. Foxx came to the gallery to fetch me and we almost immediately ran into former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords. Dr. Foxx immediately introduced me to her, and I had the chance to tell Gabby that she was my hero. After we took a picture of the three of us, I shared with Gabby that I had also been the victim of a gunshot wound to the head and had experienced much of what she has endured during the last years. Upon hearing this, she jumped up from her wheelchair and hugged me, thanking me for sharing my story and my good outcome. I hope it gave her a little encouragement to continue the fight. I will never forget her response to me and appreciate Rep. Foxx making it happen. What a day!

Rep. Foxx reminds me of the Energizer Bunny. She seemed to have endless energy; she almost sprints through the halls of Congress. After the speech, we stopped for lunch. I attended the afternoon vote in the House, followed by a personal tour of the Capitol with one of her interns, Malcom. It was a unique experience and made me marvel at our history and the building that houses our government. It was an experience that is hard to explain, but one I will never forget. Even now, I feel like this was a dream. I spent the day with Rep. Foxx, heard the Holy Father give an historic speech and had the opportunity to meet people I admire. It was one of the best events of my life, and I will always remember the kindness of Rep. Foxx, Tabetha, Courtney and Malcom. Thank you for choosing me for this wonderful visit!

Each member of the House was given one ticket for a guest to watch Pope Francis' historic address to Congress in the House gallery. Carol Markey, a lifelong member of St. Leo the Great Catholic Church in Winston-Salem, was Congresswoman Foxx's guest. 

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