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How did they vote? Local legislators on electing speaker, passing budget deal

By Paul B. Johnson, High Point Enterprise

The four Republican congressional representatives who serve the greater High Point area voted against a federal budget deal but supported new House speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., in a pair of key votes this week.

Democratic Rep. Alma Adams took an opposite stance. She voted for the budget deal meant to avoid the possibility of a federal government shutdown and confrontation over raising the debt ceiling, but voted against Ryan.

The two-year budget deal passed the Republican-controlled House by 266-167 on Wednesday, but without the support of the Republicans who serve High Point and the surrounding area.

Reps. Renee Ellmers, R-2nd, Virginia Foxx, R-5th and Mark Walker, R-6th, voted against the measure, which was worked out this week as a grand compromise between Democratic President Barack Obama and Republican leaders in the House and Senate.

Rep. Richard Hudson, R-8th, missed the vote on Wednesday because he had to return to North Carolina for the funeral of his grandfather. But Hudson said he doesn't support the deal because it adds to the national debt. Hudson's district covers parts of Davidson County.

Ellmers, whose district covers parts of Randolph County, said she voted against the budget deal because she contends it would lead to $1.5 trillion in additional federal debt.

"Our country is in the middle of a fiscal crisis driven by reckless borrowing and runaway government spending. The national debt is nearly $18.5 trillion -- that's approximately $57,000 for every man, woman and child in America," said Foxx, whose district covers parts of Davidson County. "Something has to change, or the legacy we leave to our children and grandchildren will be a crushing debt burden and a weaker, less secure and less prosperous nation."

Walker, whose district covers parts of High Point, said he voted against the measure because it "continues irresponsible federal spending habits."

But Adams, whose district also covers sections of High Point, said she supported the budget bill because it "benefits both our national defense forces and critical domestic programs. Although it is not perfect, it is a major step in the right direction -- putting an end to sequester cuts and providing more economic certainty for hard-working Americans."

On Thursday, Ryan received the support of the four area GOP representatives as he was elected House speaker.

"Our caucus needs a leader who can turn the page, build coalitions and effectively articulate the Republican Party's message of hope and opportunity. I am optimistic that Speaker Paul Ryan can be that kind of leader, but only time will tell," Walker said.

Ellmers said she's "confident he (Ryan) has what it takes to be truly successful as our new speaker of the House and leader of the Republican conference."

Adams, D-12th, voted for Democratic Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., for the speakership.!/articles/NX0TJNAIH8N4 

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