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Task Force Charged With Steering Committee Review

By Emma Dumain, Roll Call

Speaker Paul D. Ryan has directed a task force to make recommendations on how to diversify representation on the Steering Committee.

Members charged with overhauling the powerful panel that determines appointments to the House’s committees will submit recommendations to the full Republican Conference the week before Thanksgiving.

Republican Policy Chairman Luke Messer, R-Ind., who has taken the lead on soliciting member feedback on a broad overhaul of the House GOP rule book, confirmed to CQ Roll Call the creation of the task force and its members. Messer will serve with Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California, Rodney Davis of Illinois and Bill Flores of Texas. Also on the task force will be Virginia Reps. Robert W. Goodlatte and Morgan Griffith, and North Carolina lawmakers Richard Hudson and Virginia Foxx.

Flores is chairman of the Republican Study Committee and Goodlatte is chairman of Judiciary. Foxx, secretary of the Republican Conference, also sits on the Rules Committee, while Griffith is a member of the House Freedom Caucus.

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