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Foxx Statement on House Passage of Omnibus Appropriations Bill

WASHINGTON – Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., today voted in favor of the bipartisan “omnibus” spending bill to appropriate funds for the federal government. The House passed the legislation by a vote of 316-113.

“As a legislator, I am often responsible for making a decision on the legislation before me rather than the legislation I’d like to see,” said Foxx. “While an omnibus spending bill is not ideal, this legislation includes a number of conservative victories and advances Republican priorities in spite of a divided Washington.”

Among the provisions included in the bill is language that lifts the government’s 40-year-old ban on crude oil exports, which will help shift energy dependence of emerging democracies away from bad actors like Russia and Iran. The legislation also strengthens national security by tightening requirements under the visa waiver program and increasing resources for our military so that troops have what they need to carry out their mission.

Additionally the bill rejects funding for new or expanded EPA regulatory programs and holds the agency to its lowest spending levels since 2008. It also prohibits new funding for Obamacare and prevents a taxpayer bailout of Obamacare’s risk corridor program.

Earlier this year Senate Democrats vowed to block consideration of spending bills, causing the regular appropriations process to come to a halt and forcing this year-end omnibus legislation. 

“Completing the appropriations process is Congress’ constitutional duty. It’s my sincere hope that next year the Senate will stop invoking the threat of harmful government shutdowns and complete its work under regular order as the House has done for the past five years, subjecting the vast federal bureaucracy to congressional oversight and allowing the elimination of wasteful spending on ineffective programs,” said Foxx. 


U.S. Rep. Virginia Foxx is currently serving her fifth term as the representative of North Carolina’s 5th Congressional District and is the elected Republican Conference Secretary. Dr. Foxx is the chair of the House Education and the Workforce Subcommittee on Higher Education and serves as Vice Chair of the House Rules Committee.

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