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Foxx Issues Statement On the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Representative Virginia Foxx (R-NC) issued the following statement on H.R. 6800, the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act.

“Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats have chartered a course that steers America directly into the rocks. Instead of carefully assessing the relief that has been passed by Congress to date, they have decided that an 1,800-page partisan bill – engorged with irresponsible socialist provisions that have nothing to do with COVID-19 – is the appropriate remedy for our country in the middle of a public health crisis. Their desire to expedite legislation that forgoes bipartisan collaboration underscores their willingness to advance their own agenda at the expense of hardworking taxpayers.

 “Let me be clear, House Democrats are choosing to appease their own radical interests instead of putting the American people first. This is not a relief package; it is Speaker Pelosi’s partisan, $3 trillion shopping list that will amass more debt for the United States. Thankfully, this bill will be dead on arrival the moment it enters the United States Senate.

“Speaker Pelosi’s ‘bipartisanship be damned’ approach is outright dangerous. Partisan theatrics will not protect our country from COVID-19. The American people deserve responsible behavior and it’s high time that the People’s House must return to regular order.”


U.S. Rep. Virginia Foxx represents North Carolina’s 5th Congressional District and is the Republican Leader of the House Committee on Education and Labor.

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