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Foxx Rebukes Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg's Judicial Chicanery

Washington – Today, Representative Virginia Foxx (R-NC) issued the following statement on Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s inexcusable contortion of the justice system in his targeting of President Donald Trump:

“Our Republic’s system of justice should never be weaponized or tainted by political predilections. Exacting vengeance against a political opponent through the justice system is not only entirely outrageous, but it is also a blight on justice as we know it. Sadly, Manhattan District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, refuses to do his job in prosecuting violent criminals and has instead dedicated his time to targeting President Trump.

“Alvin Bragg’s decision to resurrect a case, that his predecessor refused to prosecute while in office, reveals his stark partisan acrimony. He believes it’s a better use of his time to take aim on President Trump and make a spectacle of it for the world to see. This is un-American, dangerous, and a mockery of our sacred system of justice. House Republicans will hold Alvin Bragg accountable for his insane power trip and expose his partisan agenda. Count on it.”

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