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Foxx Zeroes In On Unfunded Federal Mandates

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Representative Virginia Foxx (R-NC) issued the following statement on the introduction of the bipartisan Unfunded Mandates Accountability and Transparency Act (UMATA), legislation that would expose and reign in burdensome, unfunded federal mandates imposed on state and local governments, as well as the private sector:

“When the federal government sees fit to smother states, local governments, and businesses with onerous unfunded mandates, it’s not just blatant overreach – it’s forcing everyone else to foot the bill. Inevitably, the costs of these mandates are shifted to taxpayers and consumers. Today’s introduction of UMATA opens the door to a more judicious application of accountability and transparency to federal mandates so that their costs are realized by every hardworking taxpayer and that the federal government is properly held to account.

“Cutting bureaucratic red tape and empowering small businesses and local governments to flourish is far from a partisan position – it is one rooted in putting the interests of the American people first.”

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