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Spending cuts, not scare tactics

| Posted in Opinion Editorials

A government shutdown is the preferred bogeyman of those who refuse to accept the reality that the federal government is broke and in need of a house cleaning. The people talking about a government shutdown are the same people who won't consider a s

Four trillion reasons to balance the budget

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Last month the nonpartisan budget watchdogs at the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released what is becoming a routine piece of grim news. They found, for the third year in a row, that the federal budget deficit is set to top a trillion dollars, clocki

Pay-as-you-go or Cut-as-you-go?

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During 2009 and 2010 many Congress watchers groused about the lack of openness in Congress and urged the House of Representatives to let more light shine on the way it did business. I certainly agree with those concerns.

Why I support tax reform

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About half of American workers didn't pay any federal income taxes last year. Huge agribusinesses got billions in tax subsidies to turn food into fuel–pushing up the price of food for American families. In fact, last year's tax subs

Should the lame duck quack?

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Now that the American people have spoken–and in historic fashion–Congress finds itself in transition. The two months between November 2 and when new members of Congress are sworn in will be a period fraught with potential pitfalls. This peri

A Pledge to run Washington differently

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Over the past several months, Americans from all walks of life have spoken out about how they want the federal government to operate. While Washington liberals have pushed an agenda of borrowing, spending, higher taxes, and bailouts, North Carolinians ha

You might be a conservative if...

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When the federal government spends, taxpayers pay the bill. So you might be interested to know that in 1965 the federal budget consumed the equivalent of $11,337 for every American household, in today's dollars. That might seem high until you found

You can help tame the national debt

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National polls and feedback from North Carolina constituents highlight how the federal deficit and out-of-control federal spending are of great concern to most Americans. In fact, 95 percent of constituents who responded to a recent survey that I sent ou

Traveling to DC? Dont forget to tour the Capitol.

| Posted in Opinion Editorials

Each year hundreds and hundreds of North Carolina families from the Fifth Congressional District make the trip to America's capital city to take in the sites and soak up our national history. One of the oft-overlooked, but very pleasant, services w

Washington can be fixedbut only with your help

| Posted in Opinion Editorials

Countless constituents tell me they want Congress to cut spending and focus on restoring prosperity and job growth. But, instead, under the current leadership, this Congress has ratcheted up spending and shredded the records on deficit spending. Meanwhi

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