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Job Training Bill Passed by House Needs Fast Track in Senate

| Posted in Virginia Foxx in the News

A version of a bill passed by the House on Tuesday to reauthorize a program to train students for unfilled jobs could pass the Senate before the end of the year despite a tight calendar, according to lawmakers, advocates and lobbyists. The House passed a bill (HR 5587) by a 405-5 margin, with all dissenting votes coming from Republicans. Lawmakers said the bill will help train workers…

ITT Tech shutdown could cost taxpayers nearly $500M

| Posted in Virginia Foxx in the News

The Obama administration’s regulatory crackdown on for-profit colleges has put another school out of business — setting a new bar for what enforcement could look like under a possible Clinton Education Department. The collapse Tuesday of ITT Tech, a massive, publicly-traded for-profit education company with 130 campuses across the country, comes just 12 days after Obama’s Education…

Foxx asked to support current school food policy

| Posted in Virginia Foxx in the News

Proposed changes in federal school nutrition rules, including a provision that would reduce the number of children able to get free meals in the Wilkes County schools, were discussed in a roundtable meeting with Rep. Virginia Foxx Monday at the Samaritan’s Kitchen office in Wilkesboro. Community leaders and others emphasized the importance of a current federal policy that lets all…

Q&A: Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., Talks ESSA, K-12 Policy

| Posted in Virginia Foxx in the News

It's been a busy summer for U.S. Rep. Virginia Foxx, a North Carolina Republican and member of the House education committee. That's in large part because Foxx, who was first elected to the House of Representatives in 2004 and chairs the higher education subcommittee, was co-chairwoman of the party's platform committee at the GOP convention last month. Foxx, who is consistently rated…

Roe, Foxx Statement on Partisan NLRB Ruling in Columbia University

| Posted in Press Releases

WASHINGTON – Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions Subcommittee Chairman Phil Roe (R-TN) and Higher Education and Workforce Training Subcommittee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) issued the following joint statement today after the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) released a decision in Columbia University regarding unionization of graduate students: "For years, the board has…

Graduate students at Duke, other private universities win right to unionize

| Posted in Virginia Foxx in the News

A ruling Tuesday by the National Labor Relations Board opens the door for unionization efforts by graduate students who teach and do research at private universities. In a 3-1 decision, the board said that graduate teaching and research assistants at Columbia University are covered by the National Labor Relations Act and therefore entitled to collective bargaining. At issue in the…

These House Lawmakers Are No Fans of a New Student Loan Proposal

| Posted in Virginia Foxx in the News

A key pair of House Republicans has no faith in the Department of Education's ability to create the new state-of-the-art federal student loan servicing system it announced earlier this year. "We have no confidence in the department's ability to complete this project without delay, service interruptions and harm to borrowers," Rep. John King of Minnesota, chairman of the House education…

House Republicans Demand Answers From Obama On Bathroom Policy

| Posted in Virginia Foxx in the News

A group of House Republicans sent a letter to the Obama administration demanding it explain the reasoning behind a recent order compelling every public school in the country to accept transgender bathroom usage. The Obama administration sparked a massive row with Republicans in May when it issued a “Dear Colleague” letter decreeing that all public schools in the country allow students…

Student loan bailout proposed for victims of university ‘fraud’

| Posted in Virginia Foxx in the News

If that Ivy League philosophy degree doesn’t result in the career of your dreams, cheer up: You may be able to have your student loans forgiven by claiming you were misled by the university. A broadly written rule proposed by the Education Department would allow students to discharge their federal loan debt if they can show that they were “defrauded or deceived” by a university’s…

Republican platform for higher ed: Less red tape and less money

| Posted in Virginia Foxx in the News

Past is prologue. That’s what Republicans promise in the higher education platform they’ll finalize at their national convention in Cleveland: an approach that follows the direction they’ve already taken in Congress. Fewer regulations for colleges and universities. Less red tape for students. Less money. “Obviously what we do legislatively is a statement of our philosophy and…

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