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Congresswoman Foxx: Even When It's What He Asked For...

1240 3WC - Hometown Christian Radio

Higher Education Subcommittee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) released the following statement upon the United States Senate’s failure to agree on a permanent solution to remove politics from the student loan interest rate-setting equation and stop federal student loan interest rates from doubling on July 1.
Congresswoman Foxx: Even When It's What He Asked For...
Tuesday, June 11, 2013 at 9:41AM

Higher Education Subcommittee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) released the following statement upon the United States Senate’s failure to agree on a permanent solution to remove politics from the student loan interest rate-setting equation and stop federal student loan interest rates from doubling on July 1. Foxx said: “Is the President serious about a permanent solution to the student loan interest rate problem or isn’t he? His budget and remarks from Education Secretary Arne Duncan reflect agreement with House and Senate Republicans that students and taxpayers deserve a long-term solution for student loan interest rates that is not subject to the whims of politicians or campaign cycles. However the Administration today appears to have back-peddled to join Harry Reid who would rather kick the can down the road with another temporary fix than work together to solve this problem for good.” Congresswoman Foxx is a co-sponsor of the House-passed Smarter Solutions for Students Act, which the Congresswoman says has all the components that President Obama outlined and asked Congress to do. Foxx says she hopes for an agreement but doesn't think one will come.

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