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North Carolina Congressional delegation speaks out after voting to repeal ObamaCare

NC Political News

“ObamaCare’s proponents promised it would lower health care costs, expand insurance coverage, and certainly not raise taxes. But even prior to its full implementation, President Obama’s health care overhaul has proved a hindrance, not a help, to health care access and economic recovery."
North Carolina Congressional delegation speaks out after voting to repeal ObamaCare

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Members of North Carolina’s Congressional delegation are speaking out after today’s vote on a full repeal of ObamaCare:

Statement from Congresswoman Renee Ellmers (R-NC2): “This afternoon, I was proud to vote once again for the full repeal of Obamacare. Each day we receive new evidence showing that the Affordable Care Act will be anything but affordable. According to a new report by the Energy and Commerce Committee, 17 major insurance companies said healthcare for young adults will rise by 400 percent and employers can expect their cost to go up by about 50 to 100 percent. In North Carolina, our largest health insurer recently announced that a third of their customers should ‘prepare for unusually large rate increases.’ People want more choice, and less federal mandates in their healthcare decisions. We must stop this law from inflicting enormous damage on our economy and start over with real reforms that will not raise premiums and cost our nation millions of jobs.”

Statement from Congressman Walter Jones (R-NC3): “A comprehensive government takeover that will cost almost two trillion dollars and make it more difficult for the average American to afford insurance is not the health care reform this country needs,” said Jones. “Obamacare implements an unprecedented individual mandate, burdens small businesses with excessive taxes and regulations, and does not include provisions to prevent funding abortions. I’m proud to have once again voted to repeal a law that tramples American freedom and imposes a massive debt on future generations.”

Statement from Congresswoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC5): “ObamaCare’s proponents promised it would lower health care costs, expand insurance coverage, and certainly not raise taxes. But even prior to its full implementation, President Obama’s health care overhaul has proved a hindrance, not a help, to health care access and economic recovery. ObamaCare hinges on twenty-one tax increases, many of which hit the middle class, and goes so far as to empower the IRS as its primary enforcer. That is a problem. Family health care premiums are more expensive today than they were in 2008 and those costs are set to rise further. Republicans in the House of Representatives will not stand by and let this train wreck happen, nor tolerate the defense of such epic failure. In previous repeal efforts we have been successful in eliminating or defunding seven of ObamaCare’s troubling provisions and we will not rest until the remainder of this legislation is wiped from public law. Improving the cost and quality of health care is among our country’s greatest challenges, and it is one that must be met by Congress, the states, and the American people working together. If we are serious about affordable care, removing barriers to job creation, and sparing North Carolinians the weight of massive new taxes, ObamaCare must go.”

Statement from Congressman Richard Hudson (R-NC8): “Today, I am proud to have voted to repeal Obamacare and stand against government overreach.

“Even before full implementation we have started to see the ramifications of this health care takeover as hardworking Americans are losing their jobs, families are paying more in taxes, and seniors are losing much-needed Medicare coverage. Obamacare violates the doctor-patient relationship and damages our economy; it needs to go.”

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