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MBA Student Receives Special Honor

Appalachian State University MBA Program

The MBA program is proud to recognize Jianfen Xu (Nancy) for her recent honor placed upon her by Representative Tom Cole (Oklahoma). In a recent trip to Washington D.C., Baltimore, and New York, Nancy’s traveling companion and friend, Joe Bryan, who is an adjunct professor in the English department here at Appalachian, introduced Nancy to Representative Virginia Foxx. Ms. Foxx was already aware of how Nancy and Joe met, a story that deserves an award itself.

MBA Student Receives Special Honor

The MBA program is proud to recognize Jianfen Xu (Nancy) for her recent honor placed upon her by Representative Tom Cole (Oklahoma). In a recent trip to Washington D.C., Baltimore, and New York, Nancy’s traveling companion and friend, Joe Bryan, who is an adjunct professor in the English department here at Appalachian, introduced Nancy to Representative Virginia Foxx. Ms. Foxx was already aware of how Nancy and Joe met, a story that deserves an award itself.


Nancy and Joe met in China after Joe was in a terrible biking accident. Nancy and her family nursed him back to health and took care of all of his needs in the meantime. To return the favor, Joe brought Nancy to the United States where she is currently enrolled as a candidate for her MBA at Appalachian State. After hearing all of the details about Nancy’s kindness towards Joe, Representative Foxx invited Joe and Nancy to the House Rules Committee meeting where she resides as Vice-Chair. It was during this meeting where Nancy received a round of applause as well as her commemorative medallion. While there, Nancy and Joe were also granted the opportunity to watch voting and a series of speeches honoring the late Senator Frank Lautenberg, who recently passed away.


Joe expressed his excitement about Nancy’s experience and is very thankful that Nancy has had the opportunity to be a part or our MBA program. Members of the MBA program would like to extend our congratulations to Nancy as well!


Written by Jessica Reins, MBA Candidate 13’.

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