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GOP lawmaker: Obama's 'pivot' to jobs only means speeches about jobs

The Hill

Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.) on Monday criticized President Obama's plan to focus on jobs and the economy over the next few weeks as a plan to give more speeches about jobs, but not to deregulate or take other steps that would help boost job creation.
GOP lawmaker: Obama's 'pivot' to jobs only means speeches about jobs

By Pete Kasperowicz

Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.) on Monday criticized President Obama's plan to focus on jobs and the economy over the next few weeks as a plan to give more speeches about jobs, but not to deregulate or take other steps that would help boost job creation.

"He's not planning to do this by removing red tape from job creators, withdrawing his opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline, or by repealing ObamaCare," Foxx said on the House floor about Obama's planned "pivot" to jobs. "He's planning to do this by giving speeches."

Obama plans to deliver the first of several speeches about jobs and the economy at Knox College in Illinois this week. Press reports said Obama will talk about healthcare, housing and immigration, among other topics, but Foxx said his remarks are unlikely to make any difference.

"Speeches don't turn the economic tide," she said. "Speeches devoid of policy proposals won't help the 4.3 million Americans who've been without a job for more than six months.

"Speeches also won't undo the damage ObamaCare is already doling out to small businesses and working families."

Republicans have made several attempts at repealing ObamaCare, forcing acceptance of the Keystone pipeline, and rolling back environmental rules that they say hurt job growth. But each time, these House-passed measures have been ignored by the Senate and have faced veto threats by President Obama.

Foxx blamed the absence of a stronger economic recovery on the Democrats' objections to these bills.

"The particularly lethargic recovery our nation is trudging through is the economic signature of the Obama presidency," she said. "Rather than blocking American energy or defending ObamaCare, the President should try something new — working with House Republicans to advance our plan for economic growth and jobs."

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