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Davidson County Educator Completes Foxx's "Teacher In Congress" Program

North Carolina Political News

A Davidson County American history, civics and economics teacher has completed Congresswoman Virginia Foxx’s week-long Teacher in Congress program. Miss Hannah Savey, a recent Appalachian State University graduate who teaches at North Davidson High School, made the most of her week in Washington with Congresswoman Foxx and hopes the experience will help her encourage each of her students to become active in their government.


WASHINGTON, D.C. – A Davidson County American history, civics and economics teacher has completed Congresswoman Virginia Foxx’s week-long Teacher in Congress program. Miss Hannah Savey, a recent Appalachian State University graduate who teaches at North Davidson High School, made the most of her week in Washington with Congresswoman Foxx and hopes the experience will help her encourage each of her students to become active in their government.

“Our capital city is rich with history and inspiration, and I am glad Miss Savey was able to join me in Washington to experience her Congress at work,” Congresswoman Foxx said. “North Davidson High School students are blessed to have a teacher as passionate and excited about American government and public service as Hannah Savey, and I trust they will enjoy hearing her front-row perspective.”

“My experience with Congresswoman Foxx was incredible,” Hannah Savey said. “I feel honored as a teacher to have been given this opportunity, which included meeting both of North Carolina’s Senators and researching primary sources for my classroom. I look forward to sharing all that I have learned with my students this fall, and hopefully, I will be able to inspire them to be active citizens in our great nation.”

Foxx’s annual Teacher in Congress program is unique in Washington. Since 2007, the program has invited one 5th Congressional District high school teacher each year to travel to Washington, D.C. for a week of intensive learning and curriculum development activities during their summer school break.

While in Washington, Savey toured the United States Capitol with an official historian, discussed education policy, visited the Supreme Court, studied at the Library of Congress, reviewed national archives including the original United States Constitution, met both of North Carolina’s United States Senators, watched legislative debate on the House floor with Congresswoman Foxx, attended House Rules Committee hearings and even spent time with a teacher from Great Britain who was visiting the United States Capitol with her family.

Savey just completed her first year teaching at North Davidson High School. She plans to integrate her experiences at the United States Capitol into both her American history and civics lesson plans this coming year.

In her application for the Teacher in Congress Program, Savey wrote, “If I only have one goal as a teacher, it is to never become [a] person [who makes no effort to make learning fun]. I want to absorb new opportunities in professional development and incorporate interesting activities that my students will learn and enjoy. This is precisely why I believe I would be an excellent candidate for the Teacher in Congress internship.”

Savey, a Lexington resident, is a 2011 magna cum laude graduate of Appalachian State University. She is currently pursuing her Masters in History Education at Appalachian State University’s Hickory campus.

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