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NDHS Teacher Experiences U.S. Capital Through Internship

North Davidson High School teacher, Hannah Savey, spent a week touring the United States Capital with U.S. Rep. Virginia Foxx, through the ˜Teacher in Congress' program. Every year Foxx selects a teacher in hopes they will encourage their students to become active in the government.

NDHS teacher experiences U.S. capital through internship

By Deneesha Edwards

The Dispatch

A North Davidson High School teacher encourages other educators to apply for the Teacher in Congress program after interning a week in Washington, D.C.



Hannah Savey was selected for the program that brings one teacher from the Fifth Congressional District to work with Republican U.S. Rep. Virginia Foxx during the summer school break. She went the fourth week of July.


"It was wonderful," Savey said. "It's a great experience. I think anyone in her district can learn whether you are a new or old teacher. More people should do this. It's nice to see a politician care about education. I hope to see more people in Davidson County apply for this."


Savey was able to tour the U.S. capital with an historian, study at the Library of Congress, visit the Supreme Court and review national archives such as the U.S. Constitution. She also attended hearings for the House Rules Committee, watched legislative debates and met several senators.


"I was able to see all kinds of things guests usually don't get to see. I saw votes and opening sessions a couple of times," she said. "I copied a lot of primary sources for my classroom. I'm excited for my class to see them."


Savey teaches sociology and civics at NDHS. The 2008 graduate from North Davidson received a history education degree from Appalachian State University in 2011. She started teaching at Ledford High School in March 2012 and came to NDHS in August 2012. She is pursuing her master's in history education right now at ASU.


"(My first year) was great. I have a lot of support there. It's fun to work with all of the teachers I had," she said. "I always liked history. A couple of teachers I work with inspired me (to be a teacher). They loved the students. They were good at it. I wanted to be that person to somebody."


As a relatively new teacher in the classroom, Savey applied for the program because she wanted to absorb new opportunities that would help her students. She's hoping her experience will help grab the students' interest by her sharing stories and showing pictures.


"I was always interested in politics," she said. "It's good for anybody no matter your political party. It was educational."


The program was created in 2007 to offer teachers insight to the work of Congress and the federal government while experiencing the day-to-day life of a congressional representative through hands-on opportunities to enhance their teaching curriculum.


"Our capital city is rich with history and inspiration, and I'm glad Miss Savey was able to join me in Washington to experience her Congress at work," Foxx said in a news release. "North Davidson High School students are blessed to have a teacher as passionate and excited about American government and public service as Hannah Savey, and I trust they will enjoy hearing her front-row perspective."


Deneesha Edwards can be reached at 249-3981, ext. 213, or at

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