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Constitution Day: Celebrating our "Nation of Laws"

The Constitution is genius in its brevity, in its endurance, and in its forethought to limit and separate the governing powers established therein.
The United States of America is a nation of laws, where the government derives its limited powers from “We the People,” the consenting governed . Since 1789 the Constitution has served as our country’s legal foundation. Its wisdom is timeless, and just as George Washington called the Constitution the guide he would never abandon, we won’t abandon it either or try to tinker, unnecessarily, with its brilliance. Over the years, of course, there have been times when I have disagreed with how our Constitution has been interpreted, but it stands firm as the legal champion of individual rights and private property in this modern world. It is genius in its brevity, in its endurance, and in its forethought to limit and separate the governing powers established therein. What a privilege it is to live this Republic where government is obliged to follow, and the people and their representative states still may shape and strengthen our Constitutional foundation! 

- Congresswoman Virginia Foxx

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