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U.S. Rep. Foxx Offers Rebuttal on HHS Announcement of Lower Than Expected Health Insurance Premiums

On the day that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announces significant choice and lower than expected premiums in the new Health Insurance Marketplace in North Carolina, U.S. Rep. Virginia Foxx offers a rebuttal.

U.S. Rep. Foxx Offers Rebuttal on HHS Announcement of Lower Than Expected Health Insurance Premiums

Sept. 26, 2013. On the day that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announces significant choice and lower than expected premiums in the new Health Insurance Marketplace in North Carolina, U.S. Rep. Virginia Foxx offers a rebuttal. 



American Health Care Reform Act Provides a Better Way Forward for the Country


WASHINGTON, D.C. – After information released by the Department of Health and Human Services showed individuals in North Carolina stand to face significantly higher costs under Obamacare, Congresswoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC), a cosponsor of the American Health Care Reform Act, issued the following statement:

“Despite promises of affordability and cost reductions, behind the Obama Administration’s spin is the ugly truth that too many North Carolinians and families will be paying more for insurance on January 1st than they are paying today. Higher insurance rates and higher taxes, due to Obamacare, are going to hit families right in the wallet. Where’s the affordability in that?

“There is a better way to move forward with patient-centered health care reform. The American Health Care Reform Act will undo the damage of Obamacare, extend coverage to those with preexisting conditions, give individuals power in the health care market, and allow patients to take advantage of affordable coverage options outside their own state. I am proud to cosponsor this legislation.” 

“Americans aren’t interested in the Administration’s PR, they’re concerned with whether they’ll have to spend more on January 1 then they are spending today. Under Obamacare, for many in my state, the answer to that question is sadly, yes.” 

Congresswoman Foxx is a cosponsor of the Republican Study Committee’s American Health Care Reform ActRamesh Ponnuru writes in Bloombergthat “the Republican plan is superior to Obamacare. It’s less coercive. It requires fewer taxes. It doesn’t have as much potential to reduce full-time employment. And it’s more likely to control costs, relying as it does on the power of competition rather than the guidance of Washington-based experts.” 

The American Health Care Reform Act will:


·         Fully repeal President Obama’s health care law, eliminating billions in taxes and thousands of pages of unworkable regulations and mandates that are driving up health care costs.

·         Spur competition to lower health care costs by allowing Americans to purchase health insurance across state lines and enabling small businesses to pool together and get the same buying power as large corporations.

·         Reform medical malpractice laws in a commonsense way that limit trial lawyer fees and non-economic damages while maintaining strong protections for patients.

·         Provide tax reform that allows families and individuals to deduct health care costs, just like companies, leveling the playing field and providing all Americans with a standard deduction for health insurance.

·         Expand access to Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), increasing the amount of pre-tax dollars individuals can deposit into portable savings accounts to be used for health care expenses.

·         Protect the unborn by ensuring no federal funding of elective abortions.

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