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“Our colleagues on the other side of the aisle are trying to put the blame on us”, says Rep. Foxx

“Unfortunately, our colleagues on the other side of the aisle are trying to put the blame on us for saying that we’re here because we’re fighting what we see as a failed policy. The American people see it as a failed policy also. The majority of the American people are opposed to what we have come to call ObamaCare. It was not passed by bipartisan vote”, said a clearly perturbed Rep. Virginia Foxx.

Ground Report - “Our colleagues on the other side of the aisle are trying to put the blame on us”, says Rep. Foxx

'Unfortunately, our colleagues on the other side of the aisle are trying to put the blame on us for saying that we're here because we're fighting what we see as a failed policy. The American people see it as a failed policy also. The majority of the American people are opposed to what we have come to call ObamaCare. It was not passed by bipartisan vote', said a clearly perturbed Rep. Virginia Foxx.


“Unfortunately, our colleagues on the other side of the aisle are trying to put the blame on us for saying that we’re here because we’re fighting what we see as a failed policy. The American people see it as a failed policy also. The majority of the American people are opposed to what we have come to call ObamaCare. It was not passed by bipartisan vote”, said a clearly perturbed Rep. Virginia Foxx.


On September 28, 2013 Rep. Virginia Foxx of North Carolina asked for and was granted permission to address the United States House of Representatives for a few minutes regarding the pending government shutdown.


“Why are we here in Washington, D.C., on a Saturday? We should be at home in our districts. Republicans believe that the wisdom of the world is not in Washington, D.C.; it is back in our districts; it is back with the American people. But we’re here because of a failed policy that was passed without bipartisan support but strictly on behalf of liberals in this body, in the Senate, and the failed policies of a very liberal President. So we wouldn’t have to be here today if it weren’t for that failed policy.”


“Unfortunately, our colleagues on the other side of the aisle are trying to put the blame on us for saying that we’re here because we’re fighting what we see as a failed policy. The American people see it as a failed policy also. The majority of the American people are opposed to what we have come to call ObamaCare. It was not passed by bipartisan vote. Our colleagues keep talking about bipartisanship. It was passed purely on a partisan basis. No Republican has ever voted for ObamaCare, and every Republican who has had the opportunity to vote against it, has voted against it. Why? Because we believe we represent the American people. We don’t want to shut down the Federal Government. In fact, we’ve passed bills to keep the government running; but we want to have the policy right”, said Rep. Foxx (source: CongressionalRecord


Congresswoman Foxx serves as the Vice Chairman of the House Committee on Rules. An extremely powerful position within the U.S. House of Representatives.

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