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Foxx Praises Passage of Legislation to Permanently Ban Federal Funding of Abortion

Legislation Approved on 42nd Anniversary of Roe v. Wade Decision

WASHINGTON – Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., today voted in favor of legislation that would permanently prohibit the use of federal funds to pay for abortion or abortion coverage. 

H.R. 7, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act, passed the House by a vote of 242 to 179. It would codify the Hyde amendment, which has been regularly attached to annual appropriations bills for nearly 40 years to prevent federal funding of abortion with limited exceptions. 

“This common-sense measure restores a longstanding agreement that protects the unborn and prevents taxpayers from being forced to finance thousands of elective abortions,” said Foxx. “It reflects the will of the American people and is the product of what has historically been a bipartisan, bicameral consensus in Congress.”

Foxx continued, “Since 1973, at least 52 million children’s lives have been tragically taken by abortion in the United States. It is unconscionable that in America where we fight for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, we tolerate the systematic extermination of an entire generation of the most vulnerable among us. One day I hope it will be different. I hope life will cease to be valued on a sliding scale. I hope the era of elective abortions, ushered in by an unelected court, will be closed and collectively deemed one of the darkest chapters in American history. But until that day, it remains a solemn duty to stand up for life. Regardless of the length of this journey, I will continue to speak for those who cannot.”

H.R. 7 also would prohibit federal medical facilities and health professionals from providing abortion services. Additionally it would prohibit individuals and small businesses from receiving federal subsidies and tax credits under Obamacare to purchase health care plans that cover abortions.


U.S. Rep. Virginia Foxx is currently serving her sixth term as the representative of North Carolina’s 5th Congressional District and is the elected Republican Conference Secretary. Dr. Foxx is the chair of the House Education and the Workforce Subcommittee on Higher Education and serves as Vice Chair of the House Rules Committee.

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