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NC Lawmakers React to State of the Union Address

WFMY-TV (Greensboro)

In his sixth State of the Union address, President Barack Obama laid out plans to improve the economy, public education, bipartisan efforts in Congress, cyber security and more.

Senator Richard Burr, R-North Carolina, said the president failed to work with Congress. After the speech, he told WFMY News 2 in a statement:

"The President began the year with an opportunity to work with Congress on policies that would help restore economic prosperity to our nation. Yet, before the State of the Union could even take place, he threatened to veto multiple bipartisan initiatives without ever seeing legislative text.

"It is clear that the President is once again proposing to raise taxes for new Washington programs -- doubling-down on the failed policy of more taxes, more debt, and more spending and expanding the size and scope of the federal government. The President has missed his opportunity to move forward with this Congress.

"I know Congress will continue to propose legislation that promotes economic growth, job creation, and a strong national defense.

"The last several weeks have proven that Al-Qaeda is not decimated. It is time for the President and his Administration to admit that and to seriously attack the threat that radical Islamic terrorists present to us and the rest of the world."

Congressman Mark Walker, R-NC 06 said, "Tonight, President Obama demonstrated that he plans to continue to do more of the same, focusing an outdated, top-down approach rather than working together with Congress to empower Americans and create opportunities for all. In November, the American people spoke against President's policies, and I had high hopes he would listen to their voice and stop his unilateral executive overreach. However, he has already issued six veto threats in the first two weeks of Congress and continues to push his own agenda over the will of the American people while doubling down on Washington bureaucracy and burdensome federal policies. The American people cannot afford more wasteful spending. Smaller government, lower taxes and less spending is the way to grow a healthy economy. Let's work on empowering Americans by reducing the bureaucracy and red-tape in DC. I implore the President to work with Congress to achieve real reform and a better America."

Congresswoman Virginia Foxx, R-NC said, "The American people spoke loud and clear in November, but it's evident from tonight's State of the Union that President Obama wasn't listening. Despite a rejection of his policies at the ballot box, the president continues to propose outdated, Washington-centered ideas that simply don't work.

"The nation's tax code is in desperate need of reform, but I wholeheartedly reject the notion that higher taxes for the employers and workers who drive our economy is the solution. Hardworking Americans pay enough in taxes, and they deserve better than failed class warfare gimmicks.

"Making higher education affordable and attainable for America's students must be a priority, but President Obama's $60 billion proposal to provide free community college tuition is the wrong approach for the federal government to take. Rather than yet another top-down federal government boondoggle, we need to focus on new ways to promote innovation, access and completion, which starts with the states and individual institutions that are best suited to tailor solutions to their local needs.

"The American people want Washington to stop interfering in their lives, and they don't need more one-size-fits-all federal dictates. Republicans have a vision for the future, but President Obama appears to be mired in the past.

"Tonight the president expressed a willingness to work with Republicans, and I hope that gesture is sincere. In the past, working together too often meant agreeing with whatever the president said. It's time for President Obama to live up to his rhetoric. House Republicans are eager to work together to increase opportunities for all Americans and empower people, not Washington."

Congresswoman Renee Ellmers, R-NC 02 said, "Seven years into the president's time in office, and we are still witnessing empty promises and over-blown rhetoric. The overarching theme of tonight's speech – and the president's time in office— can be summed up as: let's spend more of your hard-earned taxpayer dollars creating expensive federally-run programs and supporting government-knows-best policies?

"Mr. Obama had the opportunity tonight to point us in a new direction—one focused on promoting real economic recovery, slashing our nation's $18 trillion dollar debt, and creating job opportunities for the 8.7 million Americans who are still unemployed. Instead, our president reiterated his willingness to bypass Congress entirely – and work around the people's House– in order to enact more of his failed government policies on our depleted budget.

"Congress stands ready and willing to work with the president, but the truth is that our president has spent the last few weeks threatening to veto most of the pro-growth legislation that Congress has passed – including Keystone and legislation to restore the 40-hour work week. This leaves us, instead, with a president who cares to prioritize government intervention and costly regulation ahead of job creation and economic growth.

"The American people spoke very clearly in November— they are ready for us to work together and ready for the political gamesmanship to end. Simply put, the president's top-down approach to enacting policy isn't real leadership, and it certainly isn't what the American people deserve. I hope the president uses the final two years of his presidency to show us that he is capable of putting down his 'pen and phone' long enough to reach across the aisle.

"It's going to take more than President Obama's once-a-year speech in front of a joint session of Congress to convince me that he is willing to work with the people's House; however, I remain hopeful that he will. I am eager to work with my colleagues in the Senate and our president to get things done for the American people, and I hope our president shows us that he is willing to do the same."

On Twitter, Senator Thom Tillis, R-NC said, "It's time for President Obama to work with Congress on bipartisan solutions for hardworking Americans. #SOTU"

Congresswoman Alma Adams, D-NC supported several of the President's plans on Twitter. She tweeted, "More Americans are finishing college than ever before. Let's continue to make progress. Access to affordable education is the answer.#SOTU" and "Free community college is possible and will keep us ahead of the curve. We must help educate our nation's future leaders #HigherEd #SOTU."

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