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Area pastor, students to address Congress

By Kitsey E. Burns, Yadkin Ripple

Several Yadkin County residents will have the exciting opportunity to be a part of the proceedings in the United States Congress next week. A local pastor, Kenny Gooden, has been asked to give the opening prayer and two area students also will get a chance to address members of Congress on April 15.

Yadkin Early College senior Kerry Aguilera and Milca Jarquin, an Early College alumna who is now a student at NC State, are part of Juntos, an off-shoot of the Cooperative Extension Agency’s 4-H program.

“This is an exciting opportunity for our 4-H youth,” said Melissa Staebner of Yadkin County 4-H. “Yadkin County 4-H Juntos is a cooperative effort between Yadkin County 4-H and NC State University. Developing leadership and citizenship in our youth is a primary focus of this partnership.”

The name Juntos means “together” and works to unite community partners to provide Latino students in grades eight through 12 and their parents with “knowledge, skills and resources to prevent youth from dropping out and to encourage families to work together to gain access to college,” according to its website.

Bobbie Scott, LEP program coordinator/ESL lead teacher for Yadkin County Schools, serves as the Juntos school liaison and she is practically beside herself with excitement for the opportunity these students are getting.

“It’s hard to believe it’s even happening she said,” she said. She said the students take their work very seriously and she is extremely proud of their accomplishments.

“They’re so professional and they want to do their best,” she said.

She is also Aguilera’s mentor and said it wouldn’t surprise her at all if he were to become governor someday.

“He’s so focused,” she said.

The Juntos program began in North Carolina and there are about 300 students involved statewide, Scott said. To have two Yadkin County students chosen is such an honor, she said.

Aguilera and Jarquin will be speaking at a congressional breakfast to more than 200 guests which will include 4-H alumni who are members of Congress and other 4-H supports and VIP guests.

Kenny Gooden, pastor of Union Grove Baptist Church, was asked by Congresswoman Virginia Foxx to give the opening prayer during a session of Congress.

“It is always a pleasure to invite a pastor from North Carolina’s 5th District to serve as guest chaplain and open the U.S. House of Representatives with a prayer,” Foxx said. “Rev. Gooden’s service to God is an inspiration, and we are blessed to have him in our community.”

Gooden said it was a great honor to be asked and he was looking forward to the opportunity.

“I’m very appreciative to Ms. Foxx for giving me the invitation,” Gooden said.

He will be saying the prayer at noon on April 15 and it will be broadcast on CSPAN.

Gooden and his wife Tina and son Hunter will spend some time in Washington D.C. touring the sites and they will even get a behind-the-scenes tour of the Capitol with Foxx while in the area. What Gooden said he is most excited about though is getting to say the prayer.

“I’m actually looking forward to being able to go into Congress and to the Capitol and have prayer because I do believe that we live in a day when our nation needs prayer,” he said. “I do believe that prayer is key for us, very important and I’m looking forward to that the most.”

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