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Kline, Foxx Respond to Administration’s Retreat on College Rating Proposal

WASHINGTON - House Education and the Workforce Committee Chairman John Kline (R-MN) and Higher Education and Workforce Training Subcommittee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) issued the following joint statement in response to today’s announcement from the Department of Education regarding its controversial college rating system:
"The department’s decision to abandon an arbitrary college rating system is a win for students and taxpayers. This unprecedented scheme would have ultimately discouraged innovation, reduced access for disadvantaged individuals, and used limited taxpayer dollars to reward institutions that put the department’s priorities before students. As they shop for the right school, students and families need basic information that is easily accessible and that can provide a fair comparison of all institutions of higher learning. We will continue to promote reforms that empower students and families to make informed decisions about the education options available to them as Congress works to strengthen America’s higher education system. We urge the department to be a constructive partner in that effort."

NOTE: As part of an ongoing effort to strengthen America’s higher education system, the House of Representatives passed last year the Strengthening Transparency in Higher Education Act (H.R. 4983). The bill, introduced by Higher Education and Workforce Training Subcommittee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) and Rep. Luke Messer (R-IN), would improve consumer information to provide a more complete picture of all student populations, streamline existing transparency efforts at the federal level to reduce confusion for students, and require better coordination by federal agencies to avoid duplication and misinformation. Although the bill advanced in the House with overwhelming bipartisan support, no action was taken on the legislation in the Senate.


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