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Foxx expresses interest in being House Education & Workforce chair

By Nolan D. McCaskill, PoliticoPro

Rep. Virginia Foxx (R.-N.C.) indicated through a spokesperson her interest in chairing the House Education and Workforce Committee.

Rep. John Kline (R-Minn.), who currently heads the panel, announced earlier today that he would not seek reelection in 2016, opening a swing seat in Minnesota’s 2nd Congressional District and a vacancy in the committee.

“Yes, she is interested in becoming chair of the House Education and the Workforce Committee,” Foxx Communications Director Sheridan Watson told POLITICO. Kline's chairmanship was term-limited so the committee had already anticipated his departure in 2016.

“He is a man of integrity and principle, a representative who has stood for what is right and fought hard to strengthen our nation’s classrooms and workplaces,” Foxx said in a written statement about the retiring congressman. “His friendship and leadership in the Education and the Workforce Committee will be dearly missed in the coming years.”

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