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Foxx: First HEA bill coming next month:

By Allie Grasgreen, Politico Pro

The House will likely produce a Higher Education Act reauthorization bill the first week of March, said Rep. Virginia Foxx, chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Training.

Speaking at the National Council of Higher Education Resources’ 2015 legislative conference, Foxx said that through reauthorization, she and her colleagues will “do all that we can to simplify what’s happening in financial aid.”

The North Carolina congresswoman also reiterated that the Senate will develop its own bill before the two chambers try to reach a compromise.

“If I had my way about it,” Foxx said, “we’d get the federal government out of the loan business.”

A House bill introduced this month to allow student loan borrowers to discharge their debt through bankruptcy stands little chance of movement — “not under our watch,” Foxx said.

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