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Foxx Votes to Uphold Conscience Rights of Pro-Life Americans

WASHINGTON – Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., today voted in favor of legislation that protects rights of conscience for health care providers who choose not to participate in elective abortion.

“Given the controversial nature of elective abortion, Congress has long restricted taxpayer funding for these procedures. It is unacceptable for state governments and subsidiary agencies to use taxpayer funds to coerce providers into performing or facilitating elective abortions,” said Foxx. “This bill ensures that health care providers are protected and can continue serving their patients, customers and communities without threat of government coercion or retaliation.”

Congress has an extensive history of providing bipartisan conscience and freedom protections consistent with the nation’s founding principles and Constitution. The Weldon amendment is a longstanding protection in appropriations law that provides that states and localities receiving federal funds may not discriminate against a health care entity on the basis that they do not “… provide, pay for, provide coverage of, or refer for abortions.” 

However, states such as California and New York have recently mandated that all insurance plans under their authority, including those offered by churches and religious organizations, must include coverage for elective abortion, and the Office of Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has refused to enforce the Weldon amendment.

S. 304, the Conscience Protection Act, reaffirms the protections found in the Weldon amendment and makes clear that federal, state and local governments, including subsidiary agencies, cannot discriminate against health care providers who choose not to provide abortions. Additionally the legislation allows discriminated individuals and entities to obtain necessary legal relief. 


U.S. Rep. Virginia Foxx represents North Carolina’s 5th Congressional District and is the elected Republican Conference Secretary. Dr. Foxx is the chair of the House Education and the Workforce Subcommittee on Higher Education and serves as Vice Chair of the House Rules Committee.

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