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Foxx-Gomez GREAT Act Reintroduced and Passed in the House of Representatives
January 17, 2019
Government Oversight
WASHINGTON – Today, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 150, the Grant Reporting Efficiency and Agreements Transparency (GREAT) Act, with 422 aye votes. Sponsored by Rep. Virginia Foxx (R – N.C.) and Rep. Jimmy Gomez (D – Los Angeles), the GREAT Act will streamline the federal grant reporting process by mandating the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to develop a standardized, government-wide reporting system for federal grant recipients. By replacing outdated, disconnected grant documents with searchable open data, the GREAT Act will increase transparency from grantmaking agencies, reduce compliance costs for grant recipients, and improve congressional oversight of grants awarded by the executive branch. “The federal government spends an enormous part of its yearly budget — over $600 billion — on grants issued to state and local governments, agencies, small-businesses, and non-profit organizations,” said Rep. Jimmy Gomez. “These federal dollars touch almost every aspect of American society, highlighting the need to streamline the grant reporting process and make it as transparent as possible to the public. By leveraging technology, the GREAT Act will make the grant reporting process more equitable, efficient, and accessible. I’m proud to have worked across the aisle with Rep. Virginia Foxx to make government work better for the people.”
### U.S. Rep. Virginia Foxx represents North Carolina’s 5th Congressional District and is the Senior Republican of the House Committee on Education and Labor. U.S. Rep. Jimmy Gomez represents California’s 34th District. |