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House Lawmakers Set to Debate No Child Left Behind Act Rewrite

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But Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., a senior member of the education committee, is fully on board, even though the bill doesn't go as far as she would like. In a perfect world, Foxx said, the feds wouldn't have a role in K-12. But she thinks this bill is a major improvement over NCLB. "I can't understand why some people would just say no," she said in an interview. "They let the perfect be the enemy of the good."

Rollback of NCLB to get vote

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“This is not a perfect bill, and the chairman admits that. I think most everybody does,” said Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.), vice chair of the Rules Committee, as debate began on Wednesday. “Everybody’s heard me say: If I had my way about it, the federal government wouldn’t be involved in education in any fashion.” Still, she said, the bill is a move in the right direction.

Bill To Reduce Regulatory Burden on Higher Education Introduced in U.S. House of Representatives

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A bill designed to reduce the regulatory burden on higher education through the repeal of several federal regulations was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives on July 10, 2013. H.R. 2637 - the "Supporting Academic Freedom through Regulatory Relief Act" - is cosponsored by Education and the Workforce Committee chair John Kline (R-Minnesota), Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Training chair Virginia Foxx (R-North Carolina) and Congressman Alcee Hastings (D-Florida).

NC Lawmakers Take Center Stage In Student Loan Debate

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“It’s unfortunate, is all I can say,” said Foxx. “They tout themselves as the place where you can get bi-partisan agreement on things. So what do you think about the prospects moving forward? I’m always optimistic. And again, the differences between us and the President are very minor, very technical in nature.”

Foxx: Don't Lead From Behind

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Foxx: Don't Lead From Behind Friday, July 12, 2013 at 9:47AM Higher Education Subcommittee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC), original cosponsor of the House of Representatives’ Smarter Solutions for Students Act, issued the following statement upon the most recent Senate failure to address the July 1 doubling of select…

Virginia Foxx on the Keystone Pipeline

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Times are tough. Millions of Americans are unemployed, millions more have stopped looking for work, and even families with jobs are struggling to make ends meet. As a parent and grandparent myself, I am sensitive to this and am looking for solutions to remove that stress and make it easier for North Carolinians to find good work and thrive.

Three Foxx Amendments Improve 2013 Farm Bill

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"The 2013 Farm Bill is certainly imperfect, but with the inclusion of three taxpayer-centric amendments I authored, overall cost savings and long-overdue reforms to 'Soviet-style' milk subsidy programs, it is a definite improvement from the untenable status quo. This legislation finally lays the groundwork to repeal the 1949 law that has been the problematic backstop of American agriculture policy for more than sixty years. And farmers as well as taxpayers will benefit from a modernized bill that cuts spending roughly $20 billion dollars. This legislation is just one step in the right direction, not the end of conservative reform efforts to eliminate wasteful crop subsidies and restore integrity to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program."

Foxx: Leading from Behind on Student Loans Isn't Working

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“It’s obvious the White House’s apparent choice to lead from behind on this issue isn’t working. Though House Republicans voted more than a month ago to approve a long-term solution to protect student borrowers from an arbitrary doubling of interest rates, Senate Democrats haven’t been able to agree on a solution of their own."

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