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Foxx Praises Passage of Legislation to Approve Keystone XL Pipeline

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WASHINGTON – Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., today praised passage of legislation to approve the Keystone XL pipeline. H.R. 5682 passed the House by a bipartisan vote of 252 to 161. “For more than six years, supporters of the Keystone XL pipeline have been fighting to secure the necessary approval that would allow the U.S. to take advantage of vital oil production in Canada and the northern…

Congressional Reps. weigh in on lame-duck session, 2015

| Posted in Virginia Foxx in the News

Rowan County’s  two Republican U.S. representatives say next year’s majority in both the U.S. House and Senate could be a positive indicator of coming productivity, but say that the coming lame duck session could be exactly what its name implies — uneventful. Congress returns to Capital Hill this week for the first time since the midterm elections, which saw a number of Democrats…

Rep. Foxx Supports H.R. 4, the Jobs for America Act

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    Washington D.C.  – Congresswoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) voted in favor of H.R. 4, the Jobs for America Act, which passed on a 253 to 163 bipartisan vote.  Rep Foxx spoke on the House floor in support of the measure:  “Each year Washington imposes thousands of pages of rules and regulations on America’s private sector employers as well as state and local…

Keeping College Within Reach: Supporting Higher Education Opportunities for America’s Service members and Veterans

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Today Congresswoman Foxx convened a hearing with the members of the Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce aimed at examining the steps which institutions of higher learning are taking to better support service members and veterans who are working to earn a post-secondary degree or learn valuable job skills. At the University of North Carolina, a program known as the UNC…

Virginia Foxx on the Keystone Pipeline

| Posted in Virginia Foxx in the News

Times are tough. Millions of Americans are unemployed, millions more have stopped looking for work, and even families with jobs are struggling to make ends meet. As a parent and grandparent myself, I am sensitive to this and am looking for solutions to remove that stress and make it easier for North Carolinians to find good work and thrive.

American Energy. American Made.

| Posted in Opinion Editorials

The Keystone XL Pipeline would be capable of transporting more than 800,000 barrels of oil to U.S. refineries each day - nearly half the amount we import daily from the Middle East. But prompt construction of this truly shovel-ready project is needed just as much for the boon to our oil supply as the jobs it would create. 20,000 direct jobs would be added and as many as 100,000 more American jobs could be indirectly supported by Keystone. That is why the Laborers International Union of North America called the pipeline “a lifeline for thousands of desperate working men and women."

U.S. Rep. Virginia Foxx Praises Passage of House Legislation To Unlock Domestic Energy Resources

| Posted in Virginia Foxx in the News

“It’s time to get serious about American energy independence. Removing barriers to safe offshore energy production is a necessary component of a serious American energy strategy. Our country has been blessed with an abundance of resources, and if we responsibly utilize those resources rather than ignore them, we will not only reduce our dependence on foreign oil, we will help create more than one million new jobs to help Americans who are struggling to find work."

Foxx Praises Passage of House Legislation to Unlock America's Energy Resources, Create Jobs

| Posted in Virginia Foxx in the News

"During the same week an Obama global warming advisor stated that a 'war on coal is exactly what's needed,' Republicans are working to lower energy costs, move our country away from dependence on foreign oil and create jobs. This stands in stark contrast to President Obama's energy priorities. Under his Environmental Protection Agency, 17 North Carolina coal units are being shut down - citing EPA policies as a reason, gas prices remain high and the shovel-ready Keystone XL Pipeline remains stalled. Jobless Americans and working families deserve better. The President would do well to follow the all-of-the-above energy strategy we stick to in the House." - Virginia Foxx (R-NC)

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