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U.S. Rep. Virginia Foxx Praises Passage of House Legislation To Unlock Domestic Energy Resources

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“It’s time to get serious about American energy independence. Removing barriers to safe offshore energy production is a necessary component of a serious American energy strategy. Our country has been blessed with an abundance of resources, and if we responsibly utilize those resources rather than ignore them, we will not only reduce our dependence on foreign oil, we will help create more than one million new jobs to help Americans who are struggling to find work."

A Market for Interest Rates on Student Loans

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Republicans, and leading higher education and budget experts, Chairman John Kline (R–MN) and Representative Virginia Foxx (R–NC) introduced H.R. 1911, the Smarter Solutions for Students Act. This commonsense legislation simply moves all federal student loans (except Perkins loans) to a market-based interest rate. Under the bill, student loan interest rates would reset once a year and move with the free market, much like they did from 1992 to 2006. Interest rates for subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford loans would be based off of the 10-year Treasury Note plus 2.5 percent, capped at 8.5 percent. Interest rates for graduate and parent PLUS loans would be based off of the 10-year reasury Note plus 4.5 percent, capped at 10.5 percent.

Foxx Co-Sponsored Military Sexual Assault Bill Passed By House

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"Fear or professional intimidation should never come between a victim and the justice they deserve,” Foxx also said, "Increases in sexual assault within our military cannot be tolerated. Some of the finest men and women I know have served in our armed forces, and their good work must not be tarnished by the recent rise of sexual assault."

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