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Recommendations for the Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act

| Posted in Virginia Foxx in the News

ACICS has provided a seven-point policy recommendation to the office of Rep. Virginia Foxx, North Carolina, regarding the salient issues confronting accreditation at the time of Congressional re-authorization of the Higher Education Act. Rep. Foxx is Chairwoman of the Higher Education Subcommittee of the House Education and the Workforce Committee.

House Passes Bill to Lower Federal Student Loan Rates

| Posted in Virginia Foxx in the News

"We've all seen how Washington's involvement in rate setting is a recipe for uncertainty and confusion. Students deserve better," Congresswoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) said in a written statement. "The Bipartisan Student Loan Certainty Act ends the temporary fixes that have failed to strengthen our nation's student loan system and offers long-term simplicity, rate caps, and an assurance that interest rates are immediately in line with the free market."

Davidson County Educator Completes Foxx's "Teacher In Congress" Program

| Posted in Virginia Foxx in the News

A Davidson County American history, civics and economics teacher has completed Congresswoman Virginia Foxx’s week-long Teacher in Congress program. Miss Hannah Savey, a recent Appalachian State University graduate who teaches at North Davidson High School, made the most of her week in Washington with Congresswoman Foxx and hopes the experience will help her encourage each of her students to become active in their government.

Congress OKs student loan rate deal

| Posted in Virginia Foxx in the News

"We've all seen how Washington's involvement in rate-setting is a recipe for uncertainty and confusion. Students deserve better," Foxx said in a statement Wednesday. The Bipartisan Student Loan Certainty Act ... ends the temporary fixes that have failed to strengthen our nation's student loan system and offers long-term simplicity, rate caps and an assurance that interest rates are immediately in line with the free market."

Foxx Meets with Clemmons Resident Departing for Year-Long Youth Exchange in Germany

| Posted in Press Releases

"Kileigh Browning certainly has a year of adventure and excitement ahead of her,” Congresswoman Foxx said. “I congratulate her on her selection to the competitive Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Program. Clemmons and the entire 5th Congressional District should be proud to have Kileigh serving as our local ambassador in Germany."

Davidson County Educator Completes Foxx's Teacher in Congress Program

| Posted in Press Releases

A Davidson County American history, civics and economics teacher has completed Congresswoman Virginia Foxx’s week-long Teacher in Congress program. Miss Hannah Savey, a recent Appalachian State University graduate who teaches at North Davidson High School, made the most of her week in Washington with Congresswoman Foxx and hopes the experience will help her encourage each of her students to become active in their government.

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